Example sentences of "[adj] enough in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The tedium and discomfort of life which prevailed between moments of action and danger , and the feeling that they would never be strong enough in morale or matériel to take the offensive themselves , were dispelled when Montgomery took command of the Eighth Army later in the summer .
2 Something odd enough in shape not to be a normal part of living-room furniture .
3 4 That he was n't interested enough in politics .
4 Still others — few enough in number — advance relentlessly for reasons even they find hard to fathom .
5 According to Chomsky and Halle , at the abstract phonological level there is no stress ; stress ( of many different levels ) is the result of the application of phonological rules , which are simple enough in theory but highly complex in practice .
6 The nature of democratic politics at the local level is straightforward enough in principle , whatever the actual nature of administration through corporate management in local government ( see Cock burn , 1976 ) .
7 But they were similar enough in method and assumption to suggest possible cross-fertilization .
8 That sounds humane enough in theory , and no doubt it saved many hundreds of families from starvation during the years of the French wars ; but it positively encouraged employers to keep wages at rock-bottom levels , while anyone who wanted to do an honest day 's work for an honest day 's pay was subject , instead , to the ignominy of accepting supplementary alms in order to live .
9 She met no one large enough in spirit to receive a confidence .
10 The foam filled artificial leather earpads are large enough in area to rest against the sides of the head and enclose the ears completely without pressing against them .
11 Thanks to our twice weekly lessons , Olivia and I had now become confident enough in Hindi for the practice of it to become enjoyable rather than tiresome — if only because people were so surprised to hear any non-Indian speak even the most stumbling version of it .
12 It has a soft texture but is firm enough in lump form to be sawn or broken into smaller pieces as required .
13 How the different pairs respond will indicate to her whether any of them are mature enough in drama to structure for themselves .
14 If he had consulted a Green candidate , he would have been told that even the other parties ' policies are not tough enough in theory let alone practice .
15 Not unlike Anglican Bishops , he felt , impressive enough in bulk but with tiny , tiny heads .
16 A further facet of " rationality " applied to housing design was the assumption that a house was efficient if it was small enough in size to be cleaned by one woman .
17 With regard to sinusoidal signals that are small enough in amplitude for the network response to be effectively linear , whatever the frequency the result embodied in equations ( 10.2 ) is conveniently expressed in terms of phasors .
18 The equilibrium trans form may not therefore always occur and , as the temperature is raised , so the other configurations become more probable ; so also does the difference between rotational energy levels become small enough in comparison with thermal energy for the rotation to be considered as free on the surface of the bond angle cone and even , in the limit , to be considered s random or Gaussian .
19 Free counterpoints are common enough in serialism , the various voices in polyphony being made up of different rhythmic designs .
20 It would have been difficult enough in English to ask questions without appearing to be prying ; in my Greek it was impossible .
21 This report was evidently wide enough in scope to appeal to both free-trade and interventionist Liberals .
22 A table of prime numbers , selected so that they are not too near to a factor of ten , and close enough in value to allow any packing density to be selected within half of a percent , is given in Appendix 4 .
23 Was Slater serious about them being some sort of childhood sweethearts , or even just close enough in age for their parents to think … ?
24 It is an additional fact , too important in practice to be called incidental but not necessary enough in theory to be called inevitable , that these causal arrows have become bundled up .
25 ‘ George , you 're wise enough in world affairs .
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