Example sentences of "[adj] together with a " in BNC.

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1 Day 8 Received an order for 20 hang gliders at £400 each together with a cheque for £8,000 .
2 On indictment a prison sentence of not more than six months was possible together with a fine ; on summary conviction the maximum was three months .
3 If you have not yet paid these fees please can you send them to the Office as soon as possible together with an SAE .
4 The Conservative 's plan a continuation of current training programmes for the long-term unemployed together with a new initiative in conjunction with the Training and Enterprise Councils giving people a voucher with which they can buy a ‘ skill check ’ , providing guidance on how to make the most of their working lives .
5 Faced with the two conflicting bids the Department of Trade and Industry decided that the agreed merger between Imperial and UB should be referred to the Monopolies and Merger Commission ( MMC ) , as the combined company would hold over 40 per cent of the snack food market — this together with a similar share of the market held by Nabisco would create a duopolistic situation in the market .
6 This together with an improved factory deep cleaning service will provide us with a factory hygiene service , that I am sure will develop into a major business for the division in future years .
7 This entails an analysis of the origins of European Union during 1969-1972 together with a survey of its fortunes and changing interpretations during the subsequent period 1972-1984 .
8 Beat all these together with a whisk , till all appeareth converted into froth , and let them stand all night .
9 The regular functions are present together with a change sign facility , a currency mode , dollars of course , and ten independent memories .
10 Where sexual penetration is present together with a full range of aggravating factors , criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is committed .
11 He gathered them all together with a quick look round .
12 Morning chats introduce the options ; righting drill , tailchasing in Lasers , knotting with spinnakers , knitting with trapeze wires , tacking Hobie cats , and threading it all together with a local regatta .
13 Iranian officials rejected a report by the UN Committee on Social and Humanitarian Issues adopted on Dec. 4 together with a resolution condemning Iran for abuse of human rights .
14 It is reported to have been used for surveillance of the United Unionist Action Council strike headquarters in May 1977 together with an infinity bug in a newlyinstalled telephone in a committee room .
15 I have also looked at Beta Cygni or Albireo , in the Swan , where there is a golden yellow primary of magnitude 3.2 together with a blue companion of magnitude 5.4 .
16 This seat is now pleased together with a gift of trees to the garden .
17 The pumps are available together with a complete range of new steam and air fittings and control valves .
18 It is expected to arrive in early September and will take part in the Autumn Steam Gala on Saturday , Sunday , September 26 and 27 together with a selection of Great Western locomotives .
19 It is intended to interview a representative sample of 3,000 married women under the age of 60 together with a sample of 500 of their husbands .
20 Two geological maps covering western Isabel at 1:100 000 together with an accompanying report , and a compilation volume describing the geology and mineral resources of the whole island , were completed during the year .
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