Example sentences of "[adj] where [art] court " in BNC.

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1 Such an order has inheritance tax advantages ( if dissolution of the marriage has taken place ) , a saving in the HM Land Registry fees is available ( see Chapter 3 and generally ) and , as any financial provision can be expressed in the order to be in full and final settlement of the wife 's claims ( see Chapter 11 ) , it is less likely to be upset than an agreement between the parties not carried into a " consent order " ( see for instance Dinch v Dinch [ 1987 ] 1 WLR 252 where the court refused to make a further order on the grounds that the consent order had conclusively determined the rights of the parties in the matrimonial home ) .
2 A restrictive interpretation was given to this expression in R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v UDT Finance Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 847 where the Court of Appeal held that a purchase is only in the course of business if ( a ) it is integral to the business or ( b ) there is some degree of regularity of similar transactions ( see also Peter Symons & Co v Cook ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 758 ; Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 ) .
3 It was previously thought that severance , where no shares are agreed , operated to create a tenancy in common in equal shares ( see Megarry and Wade , Real Property 5th edn , Stevens , 1984 , p430 and R v Porter [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 1260 where the Court of Appeal held that in a joint venture , in the absence of any evidence , the Court was entitled to assume equal sharing ) .
4 By s 9(1) of the Housing Act 1988 , the court may adjourn for such period as it thinks fit , proceedings for possession of assured tenancies , and may stay , suspend , or postpone a claim for possession — but an order for possession must not in general be postponed to a date later than fourteen days from judgment , unless this would cause exceptional hardship , when up to six weeks may be allowed ( s 89(1) of the Houseing Act 1980 ) ; the maximum of 14 days is subject to important qualifications ( s 89(2) ) examples of which are those cases under the Rent Act 1977 where the court may only order possession if reasonable , possession actions by mortgagees when the period is 28 days , and by lessors for forfeiture for non-payment of rent , when any order for possession must be for not less than four weeks ( s 138(3) of the 1984 Act ) .
5 The only doubt about this was raised by the Court of Appeal in Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 where the court specifically left open the question whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired but is merely selling the knowledge to a third party ( see p79 above ) .
6 It is best illustrated by the Crossman Diaries Case , A-G v Jonathan Cape Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 752 where the court would not prevent the publication of diaries of cabinet discussions on grounds of confidentiality after a period of ten years .
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