Example sentences of "[adj] than a child " in BNC.

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1 I kissed her for the last time as she lay in her hospital bed : the bedclothes were crisp and undisturbed , and she looked very clean , just as she would have wanted to ; and very small , because she was so old , and having started life none too big had ended up , at the age of ninety-one , not much bigger than a child .
2 A tiny black wallet no bigger than a child 's hand .
3 Her papoose — not much bigger than a child of ten or twelve , so insubstantial had Sycorax become — was slid into the shaft feet first , so that Sycorax 's head was nearest to the surface of the ground , slightly tilted so that she would face upwards in death , her mouth near the earth and the living who walked on it .
4 ( At the extremes , a child of professional parents was about 20 times more likely than a child of semi-skilled and unskilled workers to enter full-time higher education . )
5 Nothing that makes you happier than a child 's Christmas toy , bought in the land of plenty , broken and forgotten by Christmas night , discarded , swept up , thrown away ; some unbiodegradable bit of plastic , moulded into partial or sentimental shape .
6 The musical follows Chaplin 's career from the time , when little more than a child , he appeared on the stage at an Aldershot theatre in 1894 when his mother — a music hall artist — lost her voice , until in 1972 the film industry recognised his tremendous creative work with the presentation of a Special Academy Award .
7 ‘ She would be little more than a child if she has lived , ’ he said .
8 She had been little more than a child when I first saw her , but no-one could forget her beautiful , lively eyes .
9 She could n't have been more than ten then and by our standards would be scarcely more than a child now .
10 After all , give someone who is barely more than a child a high-powered ‘ toy ’ and there is bound to be trouble when they go out to play with it .
11 The nurse 's chin quivered in indignation as she reported that the girl was no more than a child .
12 You would do well to remember that you yourself are little more than a child .
13 ‘ And not much more than a child herself — only five years older than Tommy . ’
14 And the creature is surely little more than a child .
15 Raynor said , ‘ He had with him a young boy , little more than a child , it seemed .
16 He sat forward , squinting through a blood haze at what looked no more than a child .
17 But Kim was n't more than a child .
18 I am scarcely more than a child .
19 She did n't even exist in the equation , since , as far as he was concerned , she was little more than a child .
20 I was not much more than a child after all .
21 A man , a large man , was beating a woman , a little woman who seemed scarcely more than a child , and was trying to drag her into one of the tenements which lined the opposite side of the road .
22 ‘ And it 's not a fit place for a young girl to have a baby , ’ snapped McAllister , who had just seen that his patient was little more than a child , ‘ but she 's having one , all the same .
23 She 's barely more than a child , he told himself again .
24 She remembered Edmund , little more than a child , grave and courteous , thanking the Empress for her hospitality .
25 ‘ My mother died when I was little more than a child , ’ he informed her quietly .
26 For even then I was falling in love with you , though you were little more than a child at the time . ’
27 For those bombastic outbursts , Gerard shrewdly blamed ‘ the effect of his infernal military education , commencing when he was a child ’ and here indeed , when one recalls the poses being struck throughout pre-war Europe , the Crown Prince appears as little more than a child of the age .
28 Worse than a child in n it ?
29 Wrists thinner than a child 's .
30 It logically follows from this that a fit person should need less sleep than an unfit one , or a man than a woman , or a grown-up than a child .
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