Example sentences of "[adj] showed that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Here it was held that this showed that all reasonable care had been taken .
2 This showed that many young families moved frequently ; by 1851 the pattern for this group was fairly evenly distributed between the 5- , 10- and 20-mile radii and beyond .
3 and et all ( 362 , 355 & 359 ; 1993 showed that these organs ( among others ) are sites at which the virus multiplies during the often long latency period in AIDS , but more will have to be known of this process before it can be the basis of a routine assay .
4 Water suppliers ' own records for 1987–9 showed that such surprising areas as Bath , Brighton , Huntingdon , Braintree and Waveney had lead pollution of drinking water above the MAC .
5 An analysis by Reddaway ( 1977 ) of the period 1961–71 showed that this view was wide of the mark ; only 3 per cent of the purchase of motor cars and television sets in this period was attributable to population increase .
6 The success of the Dutch in the West Indian sugar trade in the 1640s showed that this natural monopoly of the colonies ' trade would not last any longer , so English shipbuilders were gratified to find that the Navigation Act would limit the colonial trade to English ships .
7 These showed that each chair required the following :
8 These showed that half of the manufacturing companies increased their R&D spending in 1992 — and that almost as many intended to continue this trend in 1993 .
9 Large regional studies of children 's smoking habits during the 1960 's and 1970's showed that more boys smoked than girls and that boys started earlier [ 3 ] .
10 In Norway , a re-survey of 1,000 lakes studied in the 1970s showed that many lakes have actually lost more of their neutralising capacity in recent years , although sulphate levels are falling .
11 Our opinion survey in Chapter 6 showed that most voters felt television news on both networks was unbiased ; but amongst the minority who felt it was biased a majority thought it was biased towards the Conservatives and against both Labour and the Alliance .
12 A sample survey carried out for the NCC in 1978 showed that most country-dwellers go to town or out-of-town shopping centres to buy things like furniture or clothes .
13 Some African coins used to be attributed to the Numidian King Jugurtha ( 118–105BC ) , but the discovery of a hoard at Enna in Sicily in 1966 showed that these coins were actually contemporary with the period of democracy at Syracuse in 214–212BC , and the coins could therefore be redated and attributed to the Carthaginian expedition against Sicily in 213–210 BC .
14 A survey of 106 health authorities undertaken by the National Association of Health Authorities in 1987 showed that most were facing severe financial pressures and taking emergency measures to meet them , such as closing wards on a temporary basis , cancelling elective operations , drawing on reserves and delaying creditor payments .
15 The Census of 1951 showed that many houses lacked amenities with which the council house since 1919 had been equipped .
16 Maybe the reader 's first thought an experiment of my own showed that this is not misinterpretation in any simple sense .
17 The Prayer Book debates of 1928 and the arguments over tithes in the 1930s showed that many Unionists still counted the interests of the Church high in their priorities , but the battles were no longer party ones .
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