Example sentences of "[adj] access [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the few cases where the church plan diverges from the conventional arrangement by including only a single side aisle rather than the normal two , this volume , rather than the nave space , can be used to accommodate the dwellings access corridor , although it is noteworthy that in the conversion of St James 's Church , Farnham , Surrey , which is also described in this chapter , the optimum cross-sectional treatment of such an asymmetrical plan placed the longitudinal access corridor in the former nave space , the aisle projection being used to accommodate living-rooms .
2 There was also a straight and direct access route by way of a corridor in the middle of the West Wing , whereas at Knossos there was a long and circuitous route by way of the Procession Corridor , which doubles back on itself before arriving at the southern end of the Central Court ; the Phaistos entrance seems closer in spirit to the more direct west-east access corridor of the Knossos First Temple .
3 Self-indexed files will need little or no prior formatting of the direct access device on which they are to be stored .
4 The advantage of being able to store such a file on a direct access device in addresses which are directly related to the key then has to be balanced against the waste of space involved .
5 This depends mainly on the size of the record and the operating speeds of the direct access device in question .
6 The animals were maintained in a restricted access room with controlled temperature ( 23°C ) and a light-dark cycle ( 12 hours : 12 hours ) , and they were housed in rack-mounted cages , each containing a maximum of six rats .
7 The charity event known as Trailbusters offers a wide choice of routes from an easy access trail of up to five miles , accessible by wheelchair , to a 14 mile ‘ Tiger Route ’ covering difficult terrain .
8 Fig. 6.23 shows the results of additions of average access frequency to an access frequency loaded file .
9 This will mean an increase in the average access time of 0.0014R .
10 The 40 megabyte hard disk has an average access time of 23.9 milliseconds .
11 TALKS HAVE BEEN held at the high profile Letterewe estate in Wester Ross about a possible overall access pattern for the Letterewe and neighbouring estates .
12 His business licenses him to fraternise with the enemy and casts him in the role of a Microsoft independent software developer-come-OEM , complete with an early access copy of Microsoft NT .
13 The company 's SunPro unit will deliver an MP Developer early access kit for developing multithreaded applications in Fortran , C or C++ for multiprocessing environments — including automatic parallelising compilers — next month .
14 The SunPro unit will deliver an MP Developer early access kit for developing multithreaded applications in Fortran , C or C++ for multiprocessing environments — including automatic parallelizing compilers — next month .
16 The Widget Databook , available now at $10 , includes access to six public domain widgets provided in source code form , but additional widgets , provided in binary form , can be accessed by obtaining the required access code from the Cambridge , Massachusetts-based Integrated Computer Solutions at prices between $200 to $3,000 .
17 Separately , Ramtron International Corp has signed a strategic manufacturing and marketing agreement with Rohm Co of Kyoto to expand the market for Ramtron 's Ferroelectric Random Access Memory in Japan .
18 On the back of the Villain bass there is a usefully large access plate for the control cavity , with a separate , centrally-located flip-top battery cover hiding a single PP-9 .
19 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
20 The new scheme involves the widening of a minor road through the Aspe Valley — home to a colony of 10 bears — in order for it to serve as a major access highway to a new tunnel under the Somport Pass , across the Spanish frontier .
21 Equally worrying to the BMC is that the centre negotiated its own private access agreement without consulting or even informing the council or its access officer Bill Wright .
22 In Croydon , the continuing education and training service is a free-standing adult education service , with a history of providing an important access point for those with needs for basic skills .
23 The three buildings in Croydon which are exclusively dedicated to the education of adults are intensively used as an important access point for people following general non-vocational , basic skills , accredited and work training programmes .
24 Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that users may transfer from a first access term to related terms , and to broaden or narrow the search parameters .
25 It will link with the new industrial access road to be provided by the Scottish Development Agency from Musselburgh High Street at Mall Avenue via a new bridge over the River Esk to connect to Eskview Terrace .
26 Wheelchair travellers used to cross the track on boards laid down for mail trolleys.But now the disabled are being forced to make an eighty mile detour via Shrewsbury to get to Hereford because British Rail have taken up the boards for safety reasons.We joined the Leominster Disabled Access group on a trip to Hereford .
27 Included in this area is a temporary access road from the B1348 coast road to the beach .
28 Under pressure from a combination of population increase , growing national demands and increased state intervention , local or community systems for the protection and management of forests , surface and groundwater , grazing lands and other natural resources have broken down , resulting in a damaging shift towards open access exploitation of finite ‘ common pool ’ resources .
29 You must have the correct access equipment before attempting any kind of roof work .
30 Haselkorn has argued that the USSR has also established aerial staging networks which were used for the airlift of arms to Angola and Ethiopia in the 1970s and which are of paramount importance for Soviet access strategy in the Third World .
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