Example sentences of "[adj] that certain [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In order to minimise doubts as to its scope , Article 1(3) makes it clear that certain matters which are either dealt with in other Conventions , or which might involve the exercise of the Court 's discretion , such as the service of process , the enforcement of judgments and orders , and orders for provisional or protective measures , are excluded .
2 By early 1950 it was clear that certain countries , foremost among them France , Italy and the Benelux states , were ready to consider a partial loss of sovereignty to supranational institutions .
3 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
4 It is clear that certain policies have a limited call upon union expenditure , while other policies are a heavy burden upon expenditure .
5 The COB Rules make it clear that certain categories of client or counterparty are not to be treated as customers ; as a result , most COB rules will not apply .
6 We suggested with Genesis 22 that certain aspects of its theology could not be pushed very far , that theological caution had been sacrificed in the interests of storytelling .
7 It is interesting that certain numbers seem to occur frequently in folklore , particularly three , seven and nine .
8 For example , some words may be concatenated , such that certain sounds are omitted , e.g. ’ go away ’ may be pronounced as ’ go way ’ .
9 It is arguable that certain kinds of embryonic process are highly amenable to variation in certain directions , recalcitrant to variation in others .
10 Mr Milne said : ‘ I am convinced that certain parts of the north-east community have a death wish for the fish processing sector in this area . ’
11 I FIND it sad that certain players feel the necessity to change clubs for the furtherance of their rugby careers .
12 You either crumble , or minimise the impact by having a sense of humour , by being conscious that certain responsibilities have come your way early , and by having the intelligence to cope . ’
13 This is first because of the individual differences in stylistic competence already noted ; secondly because our sense of style is essentially vague and indeterminate , not reducible to quantities ; and thirdly because it is likely that certain deviances ( below a certain level of significance ) do not reach the threshold of response , even for the most experienced , alert , and sensitive reader .
14 It is likely that certain crimes have increased not because people have become more dishonest but because it has become easier to commit such crimes .
15 However , the position is not as simple as this because , if the merger had taken place , rationalisation and restructuring would have happened anyway and it is likely that certain plants in any combined GM/Leyland group would have closed .
16 Because you are so familiar with the evidence it may seem obvious that certain proposals or actions should follow .
17 In the public sector , it is inevitable that certain engineers will promote as much work as possible , in order to keep their empires afloat .
18 Can I assist here ? the motion that has been mooted and the amendment has been proposed the amendment has been accepted the question now is whether what the the motion has been made and uh it is a matter for you to go to your suggested that certain members be allowed to speak at the end of the day it is a matter for you to decide uh control of the who is allowed to speak on that particular motion as amended of course
19 It 's so ludicrous that certain lesbians , who despise men , become the exact replicas of them ! ’
20 He spoke to intelligence officers at several airbases and made sure that certain records were amended .
21 As the 1960s progressed , however , it became evident that certain strains were developing in the Bretton Woods arrangements .
22 And although it is not clear what was meant by ‘ real ’ crime , it is evident that certain kinds of common theft , damage and injury were regarded as wholly commonplace in pre-war years and hardly worth a moment 's thought .
23 It seems to imply , for one thing , that if someone has very strong preferences about what happens beyond his own person he thereby renders it important that certain things be done or left undone which have little or nothing to do with his personal life .
24 The position of the frescoes mattered a great deal and also , according to Nanno Marinatos ( 1984 ) , their visibility : it was important that certain frescoes should only become visible at certain stages in the ritual — hence the pier-and-door partitions .
25 Over the years it has become apparent that certain questions are asked more often than others .
26 Well , if you are typical of your birth sign , you will have already made up your mind and taken your leave around August 6th , when it became apparent that certain associates had sided against you or even gone so far as to hatch some kind of plot .
27 It is , nonetheless , already apparent that certain provisions of the convention are already influencing state practice .
28 That particular reason for refusal was : ‘ the local planning authority is not satisfied that certain nuisances from smell and dust ( for which little or no remedy exists ) would not result if the proposed development took place , to the detriment of residential properties within a wide radius of the site ’ .
29 Knowledge in this context means either actual knowledge , which may be inferred from the conduct of the accused , or wilful blindness , which exists where the accused is aware that certain circumstances might exist but closes his mind to them .
30 The Minister will be aware that certain allegations have been made about incidents in homes in Gwynedd , and in other parts of Wales , during recent months .
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