Example sentences of "[adj] hand [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 You told me your Uncle Walter is willing to hand over the entire estate to you anytime you wish . ’
2 The right hon. Gentleman may be prepared to hand over the government of this country to trade unions abroad , but that is not the position of the Conservative party .
3 It will allow the MDC to hand over the land at Herculaneum Dock to private companies which would finance development projects in return .
4 Now I am delighted to be able to hand over the spot-light to my three management colleagues on the management team .
5 Is this a struggle inside Frodo 's soul , between his conscious will and his unconscious wickedness ( the sort of wickedness which might earlier have made him reluctant to hand over the Ring to Gandalf ) ?
6 But for such proposed order the appellant would clearly be unable to hand over the documents : he would be subject to an implied undertaking , analogous to that arising on discovery in civil proceedings , not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes for which discovery was given , here the pursuance of the criminal appeal which is now , of course , successfully concluded .
7 Autocatalyst Europe topped up this figure with a further £1,000 and Dr David Evans ( right ) was very pleased to hand over the total amount of £1,118 to Ian Catley , Fund Raising Manager for CRMF .
8 Reflecting the desire to improve relations with the United states , North Korean officials on May 28 handed over the remains of five US soldiers killed in the Korean War ( 1950-53 ) .
9 The sheriff or bailiff must not account to the execution creditor for fourteen days after sale if the judgment exceeds the prescribed sum ( currently £500 ) because under s 346(3) the sheriff or bailiff is obliged to hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee if a bankruptcy petition is presented within fourteen days of the sale of the goods and a bankruptcy order is subsequently made on that petition .
10 It was to be delivered to the king by March 1298 ; however , once the Scottish threat had abated , the archbishop refused in June 1298 to hand over the balance of the grant .
11 When no time is stipulated and it is for the buyer to collect , the seller must be ready to hand over the goods ( against payment ) to the buyer on demand ( provided made at a reasonable hour , section 29(5) ) at any time after the making of the contract .
12 On March 1 the Libyan Secretary for Foreign Affairs , Ibrahim Bishari , said after a meeting in Cairo with the Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev that Libya " is ready to hand over the two suspects for trial in front of a neutral court in any neutral country " .
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