Example sentences of "[adj] care for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Abrams and Marsden ( 1987 ) found that it was easier to care for a heavily dependent person where there was an underlying positive relationship , than to care for a less dependent person where feelings were ambiguous or hostile .
2 It is easy to care for a friend , but what happens when our ‘ friend ’ is not acting friendly ?
3 Based with Knowsley Social Services in Kirkby , Carol 's role is to provide information , advice and support to those caring for a relative or friend with a mental health problems in the Knowlsey area .
4 But as with physical wounds , it can sometimes run into complications caused by careless handling or the existence of unfavourable external or internal conditions which may delay recovery ; so the main concern of those caring for the bereaved should be to try to create the best possible conditions in which healing can take place , in which they feel loved and safe , and are permitted to take their time to absorb the fact of their loss and come to terms with it .
5 Any of these is quite traumatic enough to cause long-lasting and damaging effects upon the mind of the child and yet each event simply ‘ happened ’ and there was no way that those caring for the child could have prevented it .
6 Having fixed a reasonable standard the court must then consider how those caring for the child , usually the parents , actually measure up to this .
7 Likewise , for those caring for an adult the scheme would have to be built on an adequate system of disability benefits .
8 Unless she is very fit , able to care for the garden and do decorating and other jobs of that kind around the house , she will miss his support in this way too .
9 Unhappily , in August 1991 , those friends informed the social worker that they no longer felt able to care for the children .
10 In some cases , where the parents are dead or permanently unable to care for the child the local authority assumes parental rights over the child .
11 The quality and quantity of contact by field social workers with the children and the families quite quickly begins to fade , and residential workers are left alone to care for the children .
12 It is also important to care for the carers themselves .
13 A sister with a part-time job looks more available to care for a parent than a brother who works full-time .
14 Other quick-growing plants are tomatoes and runner beans , but these plants that mature in the autumn are not really suitable for schools that have a long August holiday , as continuity is lost , even if help is available to care for the plants .
15 It is the oldest order of Chivalry in the world , founded in 1099 to care for the sick and wounded soldiers in the Crusades .
16 If we believe that the child should be placed transracially as an alternative to institutional care , then social workers must resist the massive denial or evasion of the negative consequences of some transracial placements for black children when the substitute parents have not been prepared or perhaps are very unsuitable to care for a black child .
17 Their past and present behaviour will clearly be relevant together with any change in their circumstances since they last cared for the child .
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