Example sentences of "[adj] understand the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only half understanding the significance of it , Constance realised as she stood watching the rain that her mother had a secret , separate life in a grown-up world from which she was excluded .
2 It is easier to understand the attractiveness of his doctrines for the mass of people if we bear in mind that Wycliffe had claimed that property was sinful .
3 The tone-unit is difficult to define , and one or two examples may help to make it easier to understand the concept .
4 It is always easier to understand the answers to your own questions because you know the subject and , within limits , can anticipate likely or possible replies .
5 The distinctive feature of teacher enquiry , the individual struggling to understand the events and interactions of his or her own classroom , may not be a powerful force for change " .
6 This , at least , is how many people saw the job , though few understood the difficulties involved .
7 They are used principally in forecasting , where the aim is not so much understanding the nature of the effects but predicting the net change that will occur in Y if X goes up a unit .
8 Add that Rewa — a district chosen from six clubs and late replacements for American Samoa — came desperately close to beating New Zealand and it is easy to understand the logic of the Scotland manager , Duncan Paterson , who mused : ‘ The Fijians could send six or eight sides to the northern hemisphere and take everybody apart with their skills , pace and physique . ’
9 Add that Rewa — a district chosen from six clubs and late replacements for American Samoa — came desperately close to beating New Zealand and it is easy to understand the logic of the Scotland manager , Duncan Paterson , who mused : ‘ The Fijians could send six or eight sides to the northern hemisphere and take everybody apart with their skills , pace and physique . ’
10 When headquarters control extended to such mundane questions as whether a chemical or flushing toilet should be installed and whether surrounds should be grassed over or concreted , it is easy to understand the frustration of the engineers in the divisions .
11 It is easy to understand the excitement that such new teaching practice could generate .
12 In fact subjects generally found it relatively easy to understand the rating required and found no difficulty in using it thus the general conclusion from this study is that drivers do report fluctuating levels of subjective risk .
13 It is easy to understand the hulk , whose only cricketing merit is the ability to bowl faster than others , aiming at the batsman 's head .
14 It is easy to understand the feeling of many working-class people that banks , with their imposing buildings and staff as well as their restricted opening hours , are simply not for them .
15 Given the timidity of British cinema in the late 1950s , it is easy to understand the anger with which Lindsay Anderson blasted British filmmaking for being ‘ snobbish , anti-intelligent , emotionally inhibited , wilfully blind to the conditions and problems of the present , dedicated to an out-of-date , exhausted national ideal . ’
16 People seem to find it relatively easy to understand the term/patent' , but have difficulty with ‘ copyright ’ .
17 I was too inexperienced and nervous to understand the obviousness of his approach .
18 It is difficult nay , impossible to understand the rationale of Tory objections to Liberal Democrat proposals to add one penny on income tax , to improve education for every child .
19 Dating provides a vital structure for archaeological evidence ; without establishing the chronological sequence in which sites were constructed , used and abandoned , it is impossible to understand the relationship between sites .
20 Face-to-face conversation in quiet circumstances may be easy , but group chatter or background noise may make it impossible to understand the speaker .
21 We realised that , like a complex collaborative jigsaw , it was impossible to understand the whole simply through a careful study of each of the parts in isolation .
22 It is less easy to take a full share of the blame and almost impossible to understand the feelings and aspirations of the legions of hungry people in the world .
23 It is impossible to understand the activities of the human person without considering what it means to be social .
24 There , it can be shown that it is impossible to understand the plans of present-day villages without reference to the abandoned roads and former areas of farms and cottages which remain as earthworks .
25 It is impossible to understand the significance of Channel Four if one has no comprehension of the context in which it developed .
26 It is impossible to understand the events of Anselm 's years as archbishop — and more particularly the events of the next few years — unless this distinction between his public duty of preserving rights for which his office made him responsible , and his personal duty of obeying commands which he had heard and by implication assented to , is borne in mind .
27 Certainly , it is impossible to understand the form of the relationship between land and state agencies without paying attention to issues of influence .
28 IT IS impossible to understand the Victorian age without understanding why Darwin 's theory of the origin of species was so disturbing ; and perhaps it is equally impossible to understand the argument over evolution without learning why it was so fiercely resisted , by scientists as well as laymen .
29 All three understand the death of Jesus in the following ways :
30 Is the person likely to understand the purpose of your intervention or feel unable to control the outcome ? 5.3
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