Example sentences of "[adj] who knew him " in BNC.

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1 By way of follow-up we are glad to be able to print an appreciation of cricket 's favourite communicator by another who knew him very well , former Guardian sports editor John Samuel
2 Her father , Earl Spencer , at that time Viscount Althorp , was the perfect gentleman to all who knew him , but not so gentlemanly behind closed doors .
3 ‘ Donald Templeton , ’ the vicar began , ‘ was a man loved , and I mean loved , by all who knew him . ’
4 A plaque to the memory of another William Paul ( 1844–1912 ) praising the Christian virtues of one who was ‘ beloved and trusted by all who knew him and who went about doing good ’ was erected in Edenderry Memorial Church ( now the Memorial Hall ) in 1913 , the Reverend George R Wedgewood , Superintendent of the Circuit and Vice-President of the Conference , presiding .
5 Through all his work as artist , printer , writer and craftsman comes the breath of another age , a quality felt by all who knew him .
6 After all , it was , if not the crux of the whole enterprise , an extremely important component , because his purpose in this was no eccentric whim but a sincere manifestation of the philosophy which had pervaded most of his adult life and which was clear to all who knew him — namely , the conservation of our precious resources .
7 He was remembered with great affection by all who knew him in the course of his short life .
8 A fellow publisher , Edward Marston , wrote : ‘ In business he was clear-headed , prompt , and decisive , and all who knew him would testify to his absolute straightforwardness and integrity .
9 Peter was not only a very able manager but a real friend and trusted colleague who will be most sadly missed by all who knew him and who all join together in sending Lynn , Neil and Joanne their deepest sympathy and support for the future .
10 George may have been small in stature , but he was a giant of a man to all who knew him .
11 The sympathy of all who knew him is extended to his wife Jean .
12 Alick will always be remembered and appreciated for his energy , enthusiasm , experience and encouragement by all who knew him .
13 This decision has provoked much animus among many who knew him and believed in him , sustaining the view that he had planned to ditch the Labour government .
14 In this phase of his life , at least , Reagan was regarded by many who knew him well , not as an ‘ amiable dunce ’ but as a lively , intelligent man with an obsessive interest in politics .
15 Jarvis was an eccentric and in the opinion of many who knew him a very strange man , but he had a quiet way of getting on with things .
16 A great student of literature and the classics , Donald Wilson , described by many who knew him as an ‘ avuncular Scot with an enormous sense of humour ’ , had been more than capable of helming the BBC 's Drama Unit up to its dissolution by Sydney Newman .
17 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
18 A MAN of many parts , Warren Tute was thought by those who knew him only slightly to be a good raconteur and a popular member of the Garrick .
19 He was appointed MBE , but those who knew him thought he deserved much more .
20 He was only 27 , amusing , very intelligent and talented and will be deeply missed by those who knew him .
21 Those who knew him best saw the melancholy that went hand-in-hand with the gaiety he showed the world , and because he lived every emotion intensely , his misery went deep .
22 To most of those who knew him Henry was just eccentric enough to be terrifyingly normal , and even his carefully calculated bitterness , the quality of which , on the whole , he was most proud , had become , in early middle age , a Nice Dry Sense of Humour .
23 Accounts of his sexual prowess have been dismissed by sceptics , but those who knew him better maintain that he was able to exercise extraordinary self-control when making love , so that sex several times a day with different women was perfectly feasible .
24 Standing on the doorstep of the family 's Georgian mansion house , Mr Greig said : ‘ Louis brought great joy and happiness to our family and all those who knew him .
25 Grand though this sounds , it seems to be borne out by those who knew him about that time .
26 More interestingly , those who knew him well speak of his outstanding security .
27 Even his great friend and business partner in the Second Dominion , Hebbert Nuits-St-Georges , called Peccable by those who knew him well , a merchant who had made substantial profit from the superstitious and the woebegone in the Second Dominion , regularly remarked that the order of Yzordderrex was less stable by the day , and he would soon take his family out of the city , indeed out of the Dominion entirely , and find a new home where he would not have to smell burning bodies when he opened his windows in the morning .
28 Those who knew him only as a fellow undergraduate would have been still more surprised by his degree result had they known the extent of his other activities .
29 To do so I must read the eye-witness accounts of those who knew him .
30 Certain drafts of The Cocktail Party , for example , are marked with Mary Trevelyan 's handwritten alterations " as dictated by T. S. E. " From the late Forties she kept a diary of their friendship , and in this it is possible to see how bewildering Eliot could appear , even to those who knew him best .
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