Example sentences of "[verb] aside the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She might have to , Isabel decided , as he laughed again and his hand drew aside the neck of her shift , exposing the delicate lines of her throat and shoulders .
2 The gate handle clicked sharply and she drew aside the lace curtain .
3 She drew aside the curtain of a small window and stood back for me to see the picture thus revealed .
4 Pulling himself wearily to his feet , he walked to the window , drew aside the curtain and gazed out at the blackness .
5 Then the briefest pause before he drew aside the curtain to enter with dignity and calm .
6 It moved aside the earth and found the petrified wood that was the heart in the forest .
7 Pushing aside the pad he returned to his task .
8 She sighed and , pushing aside the canopy curtains , got out of the bed and shrugged on a green muslin bathrobe .
9 Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback , except for the specialized and coffee table markets .
10 But put aside the party point scoring and one indisputable fact emerges which will readily be agreed by all health service staff are a breed apart with their dedication to duty , willingness to work long hours and commitment to patient care .
11 The day before it was due to take effect , the tenant , having learnt of the order , made an application to set aside the order for possession and the judgment which had resulted in that order .
12 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
13 The so-called Endeavour Accord , which provided for the immediate lifting of the blockade and for the restoration of communications , education , health and power services , was reached after the two sides agreed to set aside the independence question for further talks within the next eight weeks .
14 The registrar granted the administrators leave to serve the originating application on the bank in Jersey pursuant to rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 Mervyn Davies J. granted the bank 's application to set aside the registrar 's order , holding that section 238 of the Act of 1986 did not have extraterritorial effect so as to include a foreigner resident abroad , and that ‘ any person ’ in the section could not apply to the bank .
15 A registrar having made that order , and the administrators having refused to disclose that statement to the accountants , the accountants applied to the court for leave under rule 9.5 of the Rules of 1986 to inspect the statement of grounds and to set aside the registrar 's order .
16 Morritt J. refused the application for leave to inspect but Hoffmann J. granted the application to set aside the registrar 's order .
17 That course would doubtless prompt an application by the P.C.A. to set aside the subpoena on grounds of public interest immunity .
18 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
19 In such circumstances the court has the power to make such order as it thinks fit ( IA 1986 , s238(3) ) including the right to set aside the transaction .
20 ‘ I do not find it easy , ’ said Abbot Radulfus , with a distinct chill in his voice , ‘ to set aside the issue of murder .
21 The justices purported to set aside the conviction 29 days after the finding of guilt and none of the convicting justices had been a party to the decision to set it aside , so neither of the two conditions obtained .
22 The trial judge refused , however , to set aside the charge , ‘ it not having been established that the bank or its officers exercised any undue influence over Mrs. Perry . ’
23 This is particularly unfortunate because in deciding to set aside the demand the judge exercised a discretion , and on this appeal I am discharging an appellate jurisdiction and not hearing the matter afresh and exercising my own discretion : see In re Gilmartin ( A Bankrupt ) [ 1989 ] 1 W.L.R. 513 .
24 Between that date and 11 February 1987 the plaintiffs succeeded in raising a sum sufficient to meet the liabilities , the maximum amount of which had been quantified in the course of proceedings by Mr. Shamji who had sought unsuccessfully to set aside the appointment of the receivers .
25 When the statutory demand is based on a judgment , the court will not normally go behind the judgment and inquire into the validity of the debt nor will it adjourn the application to await the result of an application to set aside the judgment ( Practice Direction , 6 January 1987 , ( 1987 ) 1 All ER 607 ) .
26 Brushing aside the straw , he solemnly recited a third limerick :
27 the Government will throw aside the whole of these [ competition ] plans and consider what accommodation it is they want , and what sum of money they are prepared to propose to Parliament , and then let them obtain plans suited to the expenditure they propose .
28 The shots ripped aside the murmur sound of sliding feet .
29 He flung aside the door he was suddenly lying beneath , stared up bitterly and ran a black shirt-cuff across his bloodied nose .
30 Yet the world champion is so unpredictably gifted that one on-song display could easily enable her to sweep aside the opposition .
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