Example sentences of "[verb] hand over the " in BNC.

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1 On all three occasions , Stewart has handed over the gloves to Blakey — even though he is clearly a far superior keeper .
2 More news about Jack is the announcement that he has handed over the reins of the Midland Embalming School to John Davis who , apart from being a trade embalmer has a varied background in nursing , counselling , laboratory work and school teaching .
3 JACK Lee , whose name will always be associated with the Midland School of Embalming , which he founded just after the war and from which he has trained many hundreds of embalmers the world over , has decided to take more of a ‘ back seat ’ and has handed over the principal 's chair to John Davis , although he will still be ‘ in the wings ’ as an advisory tutor .
4 ‘ We are glad the owner has handed over the pictures of his own free will rather than selling them on the Western art market . ’
5 None seemed to begrudge handing over the thousands of dollars in tolls payable in cash by each ship to the Canal Commission , which brought in more than £150 million in 1988 .
6 £pound1 , 000 had seemed to him a pretty sum on which to " have a union of his own , manipulated by himself , despite the fact that in refusing to hand over the money to Head Office , he was bringing great hardship to the men in other ports still on strike , and to their families .
7 It has even been held that refusing to hand over the registration book of the plaintiff 's car amounts to conversion of the car since the absence of the book makes it difficult to deal with the car .
8 Libya faces tougher UN sanctions from October 1 for refusing to hand over the men .
9 The Cellobus was presented on behalf of Cellophane by local MP and former Defence Secretary Tom King , who is shown handing over the keys .
10 He would always remember handing over the final payment , because it was on the same day as the first big aeroplane raid over London and he spent most of that night hiding under his father 's bed , with both Sal and Kitty clinging on to him for dear life .
11 The ministry said yesterday that it has had to hand over the file to the European Commission , which is investigating the Rover deal .
12 Her exhausted captain had had to hand over the wheel to Arthur and for eight days he was scarcely relieved .
13 If by some chance the Poles had agreed to hand over the city it is quite possible that even at this late stage NSDAP support in the city would have evaporated .
14 He would dearly like to hand over the captaincy at the end of next August after having retained the Ashes on his fifth tour to England .
15 He declined to hand over the cash , no matter what was threatened , and he was too good a salesman to be sacked , so the dealing manager yelled over to the accounts clerk : " Deduct £50 from his month 's wages . "
16 Michele lifted out Luce 's bag , passed her the crutch , and , having handed over the car keys , led her through the crush of people and vehicles to the steps that ran down to the Grand Canal .
17 Libya 's response , presented to the Security Council by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Feb. 12 , refused to hand over the two men , offering instead to try them in Libya .
18 But officials refused to hand over the dog until they vetted Mia in person to ensure she was suitable to have custody of the dog .
19 Mr Gillespie wrote back accepting the contents of the letter but since his 65th birthday he has refused to hand over the shares .
20 AW refused to hand over the document .
21 The police were very sympathetic , but as the inspector in charge told me , ‘ I 'll have to hand over the papers to the Director of Public Prosecutions — or one of his staff .
22 Then my father decided to hand over the company to the young man .
23 To this is added the remark that since the testator 's intention is clear , the slave must be compelled to hand over the accounts .
24 I 'd like to erm just say a few words about erm the three erm reductions in the budget of the erm er the erm community services erm the erm deletion of the arts budgets , you probably have heard this before , but I I do think it 's a great pity that erm when it was on the basis and I think very little knowledge of un and understanding with erm er of what arts is about which is to delete one of the , was one of the erm the the erm things in this council which we actually do best , it 's one of the things which has attracted attention from way beyond Cambridge erm and which is undoubt has undoubtedly to communities in which it takes place , erm as far as the erm erm oh the erm community , staffing of community centres erm this looks like erm in calculations involved handing over the r the management to the community centres to erm volunteers .
25 Magician , , conjured up £46 on his stall at the Summer Fayre. is pictured handing over the cheque to , chairperson of the Carnoustie Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund , with , operations manager , at .
26 The girls , from the left , Leanne , Jane and Clare are pictured handing over the cash to Massie .
27 I do n't recall handing over the title deeds .
28 We have met the terms of the loan , ’ Mr Cross said , answering widespread speculation that Mr Bond , whose commercial empire is troubled , had been forced to hand over the painting to Sotheby 's for resale .
29 And there was a new outpouring of rumours about Hitler 's health : that he was ill , mad , blind , had suffered a nervous breakdown , or that as a result of mental illness he had been forced to hand over the leadership of the State to the military , and had been shot .
30 The girl was dragged behind a wall and forced to hand over the cash .
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