Example sentences of "[verb] eye [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two pairs of accusing eyes focused on her .
2 Guy stood still , glittering eyes narrowed on Isabel for a long , tense minute .
3 She is resting her garlanded head on the fingertips of a red-gloved hand , inserting the large , crystal-clear dildo with the other , her crimson mouth parted and blue-mascara 'd eyes half-shut in rapturous delight as the devoted Koons goes about his business .
4 And remember — if you 're using eye drops for your hay fever , leave your contact lenses out .
5 The Prime Minister can not stand Enoch Powell 's steely and accusing eye looking at him across the table any more , and I 've had to move him down the side . ’
6 It was very easy to imagine eyes peering from the gloom , or strange beings creeping along the path behind them .
7 Weasel eyes looking at her .
8 Weasel Eyes looked as if he had n't moved but the other two hypocrites must have dined well for they were slouched , half-asleep , in their high-backed chairs .
9 The cathedral of Bayonne is another disappointment if , like me , you travel south in order to rest eyes sated with the Perpendicular and Pointed on the rounded splendours of the Romanesque .
10 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
11 She shook her crest of rusty-black spikes and blinked eyes rimmed with thick black circles like a nautch dancer 's .
12 He paused , knowing eyes tinged with irritation looked down on her , challenged her .
13 People began to cough in the acrid air , and to rub eyes reddened with smoke and tears .
14 Heavy jowls formed and blue , piercing eyes glittered beneath a great beetling brow .
15 But it was there , just the same , like prying eyes peering round the corner of a thick curtain .
16 And there , framed in the open doorway , long legs braced apart , blazing eyes flashing from her to Rainald and back again , stood fitzAlan .
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