Example sentences of "[verb] both [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of areal geological research , the place name is invariably included both in the thesis title and the related paper(s) .
2 In the case of areal geological research , the place name is invariably included both in the thesis title and the related paper(s) .
3 " Englishing " sets store by faithfulness to the content and general structure of the poem ; does not oblige the translator to reproduce the prosody of the original , but does require the choice of something considered to be a metrical equivalent ; allows the translator some licence in supplying figures , metaphors , etc. , in compensation for those too deeply rooted for transplantation from the original language ; relates the translation to current notions of poetic language and form ( as , for example , Dr Johnson chose to put Horace into rhymed couplets , but C.S. Calverley , a contemporary of Tennyson , considered the " In Memoriam " stanza the most effective equivalent ) ; offers , consequently , something to be considered both as a poem from the original and as an original poem ; and attempts , in the widest sense , to place the adopted poem in the nurturing environment of the adoptive culture .
4 This paper seeks to uncover and resolve confusions which occur in the use of " design " as a term ; to delineate the significance , philosophically , socially , politically , and so on , of the design activity ( considered both as an " ideal " activity and in its empirical reality ) ; and to outline some particular benefits of this in problems to do with understanding the social benefits of design , design evaluation , technological control , education and social futures .
5 He attended at a board meeting of the Commissioners , and objected both to the amount and nature of the charge , and also stated that he was not the owner of the houses , and that Mrs. Bennett was .
6 Vitor frowned , as though he objected both to the direct approach and to the Dane 's knowledge of her affairs .
7 The public library needs both in an uncertain financial climate , and although it would be unfair to question the motivation of public librarians mounting courses for adults , the end product often produces an ultimately useful adult library user .
8 They apologise both for the sory and distress caused .
9 Women would increasingly in the future be recruited into the new semi-skilled jobs , often at piece rates , so that employers were able to benefit both from the job 's lack of a craft tradition behind it , and from a work-force trained from childhood to regard anything they did as unskilled .
10 A stick half in water looks bent both to the man who says , ‘ It 's bent ’ and to the man who says , ‘ It looks bent ’ .
11 Not only was he a good judge of horseflesh , but he was capable of treating most ailments which occurred both in the hunters and the heavy farm animals .
12 John White , who writes both as a psychiatrist and as a father , comments in Parents in Pain , ‘ I do not know what destiny whether small or great God plans for the children who most concern you .
13 There was little debate on the clause but what little there was displayed a lack of understanding both about the legal significance of Morgan and its implications for women .
14 Human-Computer Interaction : Issues and techniques which determine the usability of computer systems , interactive programming techniques , and novel types of human-computer interface such as computer hearing , vision , speech , and AI systems ; Industrial computer vision systems ; Aiding the work of a programmer producing computer vision systems for specific applications ; Building into such systems the ability to monitor their own performance and adapt appropriately ; Studying the human-computer interactions involved both in the developmental and industrial environments .
15 Very generally we can categorise what this source produces by way of data into the following elements : first , what people do , their acts and behaviours ; second , the thoughts , beliefs , aspirations , values and motives that people hold ; third , their speech , either verbal or written , which accompanies both of the above .
16 T. H. Green , first chairman of Oxford extension lectures in 1879 , favoured a philosophical system which would " appeal both to the intelligence and to the emotion " , and thereby provide " a rational view of man and society , a theory neither hedonist nor materialist " .
17 Inasmuch as the Bretton Woods system contributed both as a framework for the expansion of the other capitalist countries and as a mechanism for granting US exports and capital access as soon as practicable , it can only be counted as a success .
18 Reaction to the overt corruption of much aristocratic politicking in the form of organised Radicalism had little consistent support in the area but its presence contributed both to the increasing strength of popular protest and to the fierceness of the gentry 's reaction to any form of mass criticism .
19 Antiseptic — the benzoin tree of Malaysia yields a substance used both as an antiseptic and against bronchitis
20 The exercise of accountability , and of professional judgement , by their very definitions require much more in-depth knowledge , and the ability to analyse and evaluate information , and to relate both to the care of individuals and to client groups .
21 Phospho-HPr ( P-HPr ) in the closed conformation is stabilized both by the positive dipole moment of helix A and by the positive charge of Arg17 .
22 Transmission of infection is occurring both among the young , who may not have been fully exposed to the health education of the mid-1980s , and in older age groups , who may have changed to unsafe sex practices after previously heeding health advice .
23 It is designed both as a basis for further study and for those students who want an overall understanding of ancient history as part of a degree in other subjects .
24 It is thus tempting to suggest that the same X-box binding complex may act both as an activator and as a repressor .
25 Carve both from the top in a boat shape , and from the side to give the round hull .
26 James Milroy 's ( 1976 ) phonological analysis , which provided an essential basis for subsequent quantitative phonological work , drew both on the analyst 's intuition and on the pilot-study data .
27 Two-way telemetry was used to compensate both for the atmospheric effects and for the first-order Doppler shift due to the relative velocity of the masers .
28 The principles referred both to the goals of broadcasting and to a particular form of organization through which ( alone ? ) they could be achieved .
29 Speaking in 1833 , the Cambridge geologist and cleric Adam Sedgwick referred both to the wisdom of God as manifested in creation and to the wisdom of the association in seeking to transcend political and religious divisions .
30 But the Communists , Socialists and other secular groups in the opposition alliance appear increasingly disheartened both by the narrow religious chauvinism of the BJP and by its open links with even more extreme Hindu groups like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad , which is spearheading the Ayodhya campaign .
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