Example sentences of "[verb] stand for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the Curragh Affair of 1914 some British officers appeared to claim to stand for a special national interest above that asserted by civilian politicians and their attitude would have been understood by professional soldiers in other countries .
2 In Women and Psychology ( Williams 1979 ) , for instance , Ladner 's paper ‘ Growing up Black ’ , which describes the specific experiences of growing up in US cities in the 1960s , has to stand for the effects of both ‘ race ’ and class on gender .
3 to your Council did I knock on the door and say standing for the Liberal Democrats , they said well we 're not sure it 's the way we are going to vote for you , we may vote for somebody else .
4 But these were succeeded by bright little bandboxes of social aspiration ; newly painted doors , carriage lamps , an occasional hanging basket , the front garden paved to provide standing for the car .
5 In reading Greenblatt it can too often seem that discussions of such selective parts of a play may appear to stand for the whole .
6 Though a fictional character , Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice .
7 As with the word ‘ church ’ , the synagogue came to stand for the building as well as the people meeting there .
8 Richard Brilliant has suggested that the bust involves a high degree of representative abstraction since the only the head and shoulders and upper part of the body are made to stand for the whole .
9 At any rate , at the next ward meeting , he suggested that I might like to stand for the local council .
10 They only will stand for the same , I do n't think they 're going to stand for the same conditions
11 During November the three largest parties announced their candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April 26 , 1992 , to elect a successor to Kurt Waldheim , who had in June 1991 declined to stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
12 Of the other candidates , Funar was mayor of Cluj-Napoca where he was known for anti-Hungarian measures [ see p. 38922 ] ; Dragomir had been chosen as NSF candidate on July 25 after Petre Roman , former Prime Minister and leader of the reformist NSF [ see p. 38881 ] had refused to stand for the presidency ; Manzatu , a professor and founder of the Republican Party ( RP ) , was formerly connected with the Ceausescu leadership ; and Druc , formerly Prime Minister of Moldova , campaigned solely on the unification issue .
13 It happens to be the case that we can not , in our language , refer to the sensible properties of a thing without introducing a word or phrase which appears to stand for the thing itself as opposed to anything which may be said about it .
14 Richmann seethed at Henri 's arrogance , and consoled himself that with any luck he would n't have to stand for the superstitious fool 's whims for much longer Drawing a gun from a shoulder holster , he prepared to fight his way through the streets if necessary ; it would be nothing compared to what was to come , he thought .
15 Remove the meat from the pan and allow to stand for a few minutes before slicing .
16 We have all heard the stories of season ticket holders being found to stand for a match because someone else had been allocated a ticket for that seat .
17 She had remained her strong English self , and in truth she did put up with a good deal for in her terms a scholar 's life must always have stood for a life of privation , which would explain the furious resolve that clenched the lines in her face .
18 A financial advisor , he was beaten into second place by about 2,000 votes in the November by-election , having stood for the Tynebridge constituency five years ago .
19 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
20 Sprinkle the yeast over the water in a cup and leave to stand for a few minutes in a warm place before stirring to completely dissolve the yeast .
21 Squirrels are not treated literally as ‘ things ’ in the outer world but as , firstly , parts of sets defined by such criteria as ‘ those that live in trees ’ and , secondly , ‘ available for symbolic manipulation ’ since they can be taken to stand for the very trees they live in .
22 It may be , then , that there is a distinction between the two cases and that , notwithstanding the later doubts expressed in Hills v. Ellis , Willmott v. Atack should be taken to stand for the proposition that a person who interferes with the police intending to help them is not guilty of a wilful obstruction .
23 Mustard should be allowed to stand for a few minutes after mixing and before serving to allow the flavour to develop , but mix little and often the flavour will be retained but the pungency will soon be lost .
24 And no obvious reason exists why meat , so long a symbol of human hegemony , should not , in time , come to stand for the unacceptable face of consumerism .
25 Carlos Abadia , leader of the broad-based opposition movement National Civic Crusade ( NCC ) , claimed that it was well known that Ford wished to stand for the presidency in 1994 and that he wished to give up his ministerial post " to reduce the political pressure on him " .
26 There one had to stand for a moment while one 's name was read out — then another little push — a curtsey and four steps forward to just below the Queen .
27 So I had stood for a little while on the bridge and saluted as the ship went down after all .
28 The gastropodic semi-automaton moved over reverentially to polish the section of ancient riveted floor where the two Marines had stood for a while .
29 Arthur Leopold of County Cork had taken the picture , and the first time Ellie had tiptoed into the bedroom she had stood for a long time staring at the photograph , because it was the first time she had ever seen the likeness of her dead mother .
30 The children had stood for a moment , awestruck in the hall , as she had hoped they might , amazed at the broad stone staircase , the hanging lantern and the dark portraits of who ?
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