Example sentences of "[verb] use the word " in BNC.

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1 Asked why Mr Clinton appeared to have stopped using the word ‘ sacrifice ’ and started using the word ‘ contribute ’ to describe what he would ask of Americans in his plan , Ms Myers said : ‘ The problem with the word sacrifice is that it implies nobody gets anything out of it . ’
2 ( The US government avoided using the word " blockade " at this time , preferring to describe its intention as the " interdiction " of sanctions-breaking . )
3 For expositional reasons , we shall need to use the word utterance in various ways in this book , but where it is used to contrast with sentence it should be taken in the sense advocated by Bar-Hillel , as a sentence ( or sometimes string of sentences ) paired with a context .
4 I hesitate to use the word ‘ basic ’ , as a machine with a punchcard patterning system and which will knit Fair Isle , tuck , slip and punch lace is not a basic machine .
5 A simple example will suffice : many people when writing use the word ‘ commence ’ rather than ‘ begin ’ .
6 We 're limited I wo n't ta , I do n't like using the word problems without .
7 Suzanne Gibson , you mentioned earlier that you did n't like to use the word ‘ policing ’ .
8 He usually employs the work kivas , which literally means animal fleece , but occasionally — especially in the scenes where Helen is being entertained — he chooses to use the word tap e s instead .
9 If he chooses to use the word ’ collusion ’ , and apply it to me in that context , he is attributing dishonourable conduct — he should be ashamed of doing so .
10 She hated to use the word ‘ common ’ , only common people called other people ‘ common ’ ; her mother taught her that .
11 Rosa in the chapel with her head bent over her hands , her legs stiff from kneeling , thought , We will go away together , somewhere different from here , to Africa , he said , he wanted to go there , and I will take care of him , we are like each other , we are both … and she hunted for the word because she did not want to use the word ‘ misfit ’ , and found ‘ changeling ’ .
12 Now this sort of er I do n't want to use the word raid .
13 One of things that we 'll never be though is , I think perhaps I can use the , I do n't want to use the word cheap because that 's not right , but we 'll never be less expensive than the others will we ?
14 Watkins ceased to use the word ‘ ley ’ towards the end of his life , and caution should be exercised in using the element as evidence of an old straight track .
15 I was particularly taken by a good phrase used by the hon. Member for Hartlepool , who suggested that we should stop using the word ’ joyriding ’ — none of us in the House does so any longer , except in unspoken inverted commas .
16 Probably in all innocence they began to use the word Baal to describe the Lord God .
17 If they want to take the opportunity to erm move to Newcastle , to be near their relatives , they 'll have that choice as well , and it 's if we have to make difficult choices of this kind , then it 's more — I 'm sorry to keep using the word logical , but it is — it 's logical to choose this one than to choose one of the remoter homes in the county that serves a local populace where there is no alternative .
18 Asked why Mr Clinton appeared to have stopped using the word ‘ sacrifice ’ and started using the word ‘ contribute ’ to describe what he would ask of Americans in his plan , Ms Myers said : ‘ The problem with the word sacrifice is that it implies nobody gets anything out of it . ’
19 His nose and cheekbones protruded as never before , and he was paler than Helen , so pale that no one could possibly call him a darkie or black bastard , though they might legitimately have used the word bastard .
20 He knew that the universe was complex but that it obeyed certain rules , although , she supposed , he would n't have used the word ‘ obey ’ with its implication of conscious choice .
21 The dictionary is specifically wrong : it should have used the word ‘ rarely ’ instead .
22 Yeah , try to use the word position .
23 Nowadays we are n't allowed to use the word mad .
24 It shows — we are not allowed to use the word hypocrisy , are we ?
25 Some of us avoid using the word 1 .
26 It will be created using the word processing tools , but may include extracts from other documents , other databases , graphics or live links to spreadsheet data .
27 To deliberately move away from the idea of the old reporting format that 's why we 've used the word statement to parents .
28 Well I mean you 've used the word the pet shop .
29 So we 've used the word association .
30 1956 saw him complaining that the author of an article on ‘ Christian Social Thought ’ had used the word ‘ sociology ’ so that ‘ unless my memory is greatly at fault , Durkheim and Lévy-Bruhl ’ would be excluded from its province .
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