Example sentences of "[verb] into the wrong " in BNC.

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1 Erm , Socrates does some contemplation er , withdraws from his empirical self , becomes intellect and then afterwards er drops into the wrong empirical er self and turns into well , some erm some ho hideous beast .
2 The founding brothers never entrusted anything to paper , fearing that rituals and their interpretation of them might fall into the wrong hands .
3 Confirming details of the agreement in Washington on Aug. 31 , US President George Bush said that it " will help ensure that nuclear weapons grade material does not fall into the wrong hands , while providing funds to promote economic reforms and the transition to a market-based economy " in Russia .
4 ( 6 ) As well as ensuring that documents do not fall into the wrong hands , the parties should ensure that any meetings or " due diligence " exercises are conducted discreetly , to avoid rumour and speculation .
5 Labour 's consumer affairs spokesman , Nigel Griffiths , called on the Department of Trade and Industry to issue guidelines to firms disposing of damaged goods to ensure that packaging did not fall into the wrong hands .
6 If the planes are to avoid the danger of anti-aircraft fire or missiles , they have to fly so high that any drop would be liable to miss its target , with the danger that the supplies would fall into the wrong hands , or even injure those whom it is intended to help .
7 Edward now wore the manic look of some animal transferred into the wrong environment , as though he might run amok , or bite .
8 No , I have moved into the wrong sex , too .
9 And with all those people stacked up in X-ray , cheek by jowl , rubbing their short , white dressing gowns together , the plates were bound to have got into the wrong envelopes .
10 She had got into the wrong train .
11 ‘ They made me feel like … some species that had got into the wrong time slot .
12 It is extremely important that you press more pieces from the bouquet than you think you will need , as some of the plant material may turn brown in the press or emerge pressed into the wrong shape .
13 ‘ If the plutonium were to fall into the wrong hands the results could be catastrophic .
14 Hundreds of secret programs that had been built up by the CIA over the years , including data sensitive enough to topple the heads of half a dozen European governments if they were ever to fall into the wrong hands .
15 I will never allow Kirsty to fall into the wrong hands .
16 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
17 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
18 Railway authorities were particularly concerned over tickets getting into the wrong hands ; a minor sensation was caused on the Southern Region or BR about 30 years ago when a blank ticket from South Snowdon on the former Welsh Highland Railway was handed in at Clapham Junction .
19 ‘ Our people made it pretty clear there were enough guns still floating loose from the war and getting into the wrong hands .
20 ‘ You broke into the wrong house ! ’ : that was what he was thinking now .
21 This is why , by mistake one evening , I stumbled into the wrong accommodation and upon a honeymoon couple .
22 Molly Fletcher had been a pretty girl , but she had the faded air of a flower that has been transplanted into the wrong soil .
23 Why would you go into the wrong lane to a roundabout ?
24 ‘ Supposing it falls into the wrong hands ? ’
25 A crossed cheque therefore gives some protection against fraud if it falls into the wrong hands .
26 The whole point is that if power falls into the wrong hands it usually hurts the railway cause .
27 He did so quickly , but went into the wrong room which was full of ‘ weird things ’ .
28 Although she felt like a little girl who had gone into the wrong party room , she was determined that this woman would not keep her away from her husband .
29 He tried to get into the wrong car-park and was , inevitably , confronted by a Lord 's gateman who succeeded in making far from happy .
30 If such advanced technology were to get into the wrong hands , it could change the history of this planet . ’
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