Example sentences of "[verb] her head [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With clenched teeth , keeping her head low and her eyes half-closed , she hugged the cliff-face and inched her way along .
2 Since that first morning at the gravel pit she had not once admitted her fear but she always looked white and tense and , although she could manage a few strokes now , she swam clumsily and jerkily , keeping her head high .
3 The old female bent her head low and nodded .
4 But she went down like a sack of spuds and cracked her head open .
5 STEELY determination not to be dominated by her husband shows in the way Diana holds her head high .
6 Wearing the collar , Aunt Margaret had to carry her head high and haughty as the Queen of Assyria , but above it her eyes were anxious and sad and not proud at all .
7 Gloria 's huge brown eyes sparkled as she twisted her head this way and that to give a better view of the elaborate blond topknot from which floated multi-tinted spiral streamers .
8 She smiled , turning her head first to one side , then to the other so that they could all see the smile .
9 But she still held the gun and , as Kellerman turned on her , Donna shook her head clear and fired at him .
10 She shook her head free of his grip , and sat further away on the sofa , looking at him with detachment .
11 She smiled and shook her head some more .
12 Holding her head high , she walked faster , swinging her schoolbag menacingly .
13 She stood up , and walked serenely down to the sea , holding her head high and thinking that she was n't sure she could endure another thirteen days in the company of this man .
14 Holding her head high , she went over to the rail and rested her fingers on the chrome , looking out over the sparkling , sun-streaked water .
15 Unable to take any more , she slammed the car door and headed for the farmhouse without a backward glance , managing with an effort to keep her head high .
16 Night after sleepless night , her mother had been thinking about her , while Carolyn slept deep black sleeps and tried to keep her head empty .
17 As she pulled her head free she looked at his face fearfully .
18 As we came in , she brought her head close to the little girl 's .
19 She tried gamely to hold her head high and proud , but to no avail .
20 She began to find breathing almost impossible , and tossed her head this way and that to escape his remorseless onslaught .
21 What if Lucy had split her head open again ?
22 Donna felt herself dozing and sat upright , shaking her head free of the crushing tiredness that threatened to envelope her .
23 This is a man whose idea of love-making is to mash his partner against a wall , rip off her knickers , and then throw her head first down on the sofa .
24 She counted every hundred paces , to give her something to cling on to and then , turning her head away from the gale , she shouted George 's name , cocking her head this way and that to catch any reply .
25 She had held her head high , kept up her indomitable front .
26 Kate tried to turn her head away , but he held her head steady with one hand twisted lightly in her hair .
27 The girl was a gifted shoemaker , but there was something insolent about her , perhaps it was the way she held her head high with her glorious abundant hair flowing free that somehow irritated Emily .
28 The girl held her head high .
29 Lisa 's body was encased in plaster while a metal frame held her head rigid .
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