Example sentences of "[verb] at some sort " in BNC.

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1 But I imagine they will be looking at some sort of insurance claim . ’
2 It happened to me when I was sort of looking at some sort of electronic engineering that I was n't supposed to be doing I was just looking at it for interest like Well I 'd like to have the time to spend on that but I 'll leave that thank you very much .
3 I think er it 's got to be er linked certainly to the rate of inflation , er and in some way linked to the way that the fire service er has their pay formula , and they 're actually linked to 25% of the top 25% of schooled manual workers , er we 'd be looking at some sort of deal like that , or if it was n't er tied up with percentage rates I think we need , definitely need an independent pay review body for the ambulance service .
4 I do n't think we 're gon na solve it today , but what I 'm saying is did we ought to look at some sort of action plan brainstorm , call it what you will for the very near future to look at how we 're gon na tackle this problem .
5 We could grasp that he was trying to tell us we had arrived at some sort of geological shift , much like the Wallace Discontinuity east of Bali , where two tectonic plates meet and flora and fauna are different on the two opposed sides .
6 All this was meant to be experimental , but it would be better to describe it as speculative , as I have an idea that I could arrive at some sort of interesting effect if I kept trying , and the lack of certainty about the end result hardly mattered .
7 Perhaps if we can arrive at some sort of specific amounts or some research in that direction , we might Mr Chairman , be able to take representations to government in a more positive way .
8 On a more general note we MUST rationalize our charging policy or add-on services — CAL , CDROM , Online — and aim at some sort of consistency .
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