Example sentences of "[verb] at a press " in BNC.

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1 The article quoted the former editor of the Catholic News , Edgar D'Souza , who accused Lee of using the controversial Internal Security Act ( ISA ) against the Church and of " tricking " the Catholic Archbishop of Singapore , Gregory Yong Sool Nighean , into appearing at a press conference in support of the government over the arrests .
2 Though some oil companies with large fields will benefit from the tax changes , Sam Laidlaw , Amerada 's managing director , claimed at a press conference in London that the measures could mean a shrinking in the size of the independent oil sector which competes with multinational companies for shares in offshore licences .
3 I think the turning point came when Chris Patten and Michael Heseltine joked at a press conference on Tuesday , with Mr Heseltine impersonating Neil Kinnock .
4 He would have done the same in her position if he had to appear at a press conference — appearance was important to Dexter .
5 The head of the Special Commission , Rolf Ekeus , hinted at a press conference in New York on Oct. 27 that the Security Council would consider lifting the oil embargo on Iraq in exchange for greater Iraqi co-operation with UN weapons inspectors .
6 Further details of the junta 's plans were revealed at a press conference given by Gen. Sunthorn on Feb. 25 .
7 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
8 The first official and public indication that the Soviet Union was seeking large-scale Western aid came at a press conference between Gorbachev and Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti on May 22 , when Gorbachev made plain his desire to attend the July G-7 meeting .
9 Mugabe declared at a press conference in the capital Harare on April 1 that the election result was " a mandate for all our policies , including the establishment of a one-party state " .
10 He claimed at a press conference that the plant 's management and government officials had deliberately played down the scale of the fire .
11 John Cross , speaking at a press conference to mark the publication yesterday of The Military Balance 1989-90 , the institute 's authoritative annual survey of world armed forces , said that the cuts under way in the Warsaw Pact ‘ do tend to support Soviet claims of new thinking ’ .
12 He was speaking at a press conference in Dublin following the decision by the Irish Republic 's Director of Public Prosecutions on Thursday not to bring a case under the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act , allowing prosecutions in the Republic for offences allegedly committed in Britain .
13 Speaking at a press conference later about the Bonn government 's attitude to accepting existing borders and renouncing any territorial claims , he pointed an accusing figure at Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his recent plan for reunification .
14 Speaking at a press conference on security , Reagan raised the banner for a new approach to national defence — a move away from massive retaliation toward a new defensive technology , hovering in space , that could nullify the Soviet Union 's arsenal of missiles .
15 Speaking at a press conference at INTO headquarters , he repeated his demand for immediate consultations with teachers , to work out manageable arrangements and restore faith in the province 's education system .
16 Speaking at a press conference at the UN in New York on the same day , Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Petrovsky gave the Soviet Union 's first public disclosure of its total foreign troop strength , putting the figure at 627,000 .
17 Speaking at a press conference in Dhaka on Nov. 19 , 1989 , during a visit to Bangladesh [ see also below ] , Li Peng said : " The changes in Eastern Europe are making some people happy and others worried , " and advised " certain people not to feel happy too soon " .
18 Speaking at a press conference in the UN headquarters in New York on Sept. 30 , 1989 , the Iranian Foreign Minister , Ali Akbar Vellayati , said that Iran had accepted a four-point UN proposal including simultaneous troop withdrawal and prisoner exchange , but that Iraq had rejected the idea .
19 Speaking at a press conference on March 18 , Akayev said he thought such a federation impossible .
20 Speaking at a press conference in London , Dr Vladimir Chernousenko said his figure was based on a tally kept by victim support groups .
21 He was speaking at a press conference at Conwy at which the message to flood victims was : ‘ Do n't go home until you ring our Helpline . ’
22 Mr John Edmonds , general secretary of the GMB , was speaking at a press conference given by Mr Alan Milburn , the Labour candidate for the town .
23 Underlining the British government 's commitment to link aid and democratic practices , he made a strong statement in favour of multiparty democracy , but appeared to hold back from criticism of Kenya 's human rights record , saying at a press conference that " when you look at other countries in Africa , Kenya 's record is good " .
24 Further details were provided at a press conference on Aug. 21 held by the Russian Federation State Committee for the Management of State Property , the body managing the privatization scheme .
25 Peter McKinlay , chief executive of Scottish Homes , acknowledged at a press conference yesterday that damp and condensation were a serious problem .
26 The resignation of the Communist-dominated cabinet was announced at a press conference by the newly-appointed government spokesman , Mr Wolfgang Meyer .
27 The winners will be announced at a press reception the next morning at the Langham Hilton Hotel .
28 A demonstration by Bucharest students on Jan. 7 , the first to be staged since the revolution , featured criticisms of the composition and policies of the NSF , and particularly of the decision , announced at a press conference by leading NSF member Silviu Brucan on Jan. 4 , that the Front would run in the April elections .
29 Prince Norodom Sihanouk , the SNC chair and the official Cambodian head of state , announced at a press conference on Dec. 5 that the political alliance between the Sihanoukist faction ( Funcinpec , led by his son Prince Norodom Ranaridh ) and the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) regime had been officially ended [ see p. 38573 for establishment of " treaty of co-operation " in mid-November ] .
30 Aleksandr Lebed , whose appointment as the new 14th Army commander was reported on June 28 , announced at a press conference a policy of " armed neutrality " for the troops under his command . )
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