Example sentences of "[verb] at a rate " in BNC.

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1 For example , in a particular year a given region has x million inhabitants and the population is expected to increase at a rate of 2% per year .
2 On the other hand , if the initial state is one of excess supply money-wages will fall at a rate .
3 But in 1983–7 the real ( volume ) increase in funds first fell to zero , then fell absolutely , then rose at a rate lower than 1 per cent — that is less than the increasing trend to an ageing population required to sustain standards ( Kings Fund Institute , 1988 ; Owens and Glennerster , 1990 ) .
4 In a study undertaken over a two-week period , Tom Tadecki , research director of the International Coalition Against Violent Entertainment , found that more than 33 per cent of its programmes involved some form of aggression , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 10 per hour .
5 The figures for BBC 1 and BBC 2 were 10 per cent , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 2.5 per hour on BBC 1 , and two on BBC 2 .
6 Lown and Wolf classified ventricular extrasystoles occurring at a rate of less than one per minute as isolated and of little prognostic significance , whereas those occurring at a rate of more than one per minute were more indicative of an unfavourable prognosis .
7 Lown and Wolf classified ventricular extrasystoles occurring at a rate of less than one per minute as isolated and of little prognostic significance , whereas those occurring at a rate of more than one per minute were more indicative of an unfavourable prognosis .
8 Other electrocardiographic abnormalities , in addition to ventricular extrasystoles occurring at a rate of more than 1/min , regarded as of ‘ sinister ’ importance — that is , markers of potentially serious complications are , ST segment increase or depression of more than 1 mm , supraventricular tachycardia ( three or more consecutive supraventricular extrasystoles at a rate of more than 130/min ) , second or third degree heart block , ventricular bigemini or trigemini , ventricular tachycardia , ventricular fibrillation or asystole .
9 Subjects were asked to make rhyme judgments about consonants appearing at a rate of one per second .
10 Credit balances will earn you interest at a rate quoted in all our branches .
11 Differences in adult mortality reach a peak for the 35–44 year age group , with Aboriginal men dying at a rate more than 11 times that of the total male population .
12 The UN protection force , Unprofor , and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees had called for an air corridor after reports that refugees in Srebrenica were dying at a rate of 20 a day from exposure and starvation .
13 Restrictive practices , which Clasper had fought so hard to introduce , were being discarded at a rate of knots in the quest to increase efficiency , output and earnings .
14 Then , where δ is the fraction so that the Goldbach–Rehage formula above becomes or This can be written in terms of , the relaxation time at the glass temperature , since where is a shift factor and Hence or , if the material is being heated or cooled at a rate we have where is the decrement of the expansion coefficient of the glass and , as before .
15 Even if the Sun is shrinking at a rate of merely 0–01 per cent per century it would totally disappear in a million years ; and it would have been twice its present size a million years ago .
16 The headlines had already been written when Eddy and Boornazian suggested that the Sun was shrinking at a rate of 0.1 per century .
17 Lichenologists have estimated that crustose lichens in Alaska and Lappland grow at a rate of 3–4mm/100 years , which would make lichens there of 480 mm diameter at least 9000 years old .
18 After two control periods of one hour each , during which water was absorbed at a rate of 104 ( 14 ) ( mean ( SEM ) , n=15 ) and 94 ( 15 ) ml/30 cm/h , respectively , three different doses of cholera toxin ( 6.25 µg , 12.5 µg , 25 µg ) were administered by bolus into the lumen of the jejunum .
19 In addition , an NHS general practitioner now prescribes at a rate of £100000 a year , and it is likely that referrals and use of other hospital services may amount to £200000 a year — these add up to £12m over 40 years .
20 Tutors will be paid an honorarium for the work done at a rate to be determined annually .
21 Data can be transferred at a rate of 6Gb per hour .
22 Most items produced in Europe paid practically no English duty if they were to be re-exported to the colonies , but a few , including iron and steel , were taxed at a rate which made continental products very expensive and thus gave English manufacturers a clear field in the colonial market .
23 $10,000,000 or more — about 3,600 companies — would either be taxed at a rate of 0.175 per cent of their capital base or have to pay a 3 per cent corporate tax surcharge , whichever was higher .
24 All earned income is taxed at a rate so that the slope of the budget constraint is reduced along , where is the break-even point at which earned and disposable income are identical along the poverty line by construction .
25 Trade within the EEC had expanded at a rate double that of trade with non-members , and the EEC had also become the world 's largest trading power .
26 Glucose was continuously infused at a rate of 5 mg/kg ideal weight/min for 60 minutes .
27 Thereafter , saline was constantly infused at a rate of 0.1 ml/min through the gall bladder catheter with an ASID Bonz PP infusion pump ( Germany ) .
28 The role of somatostatin , infused at a rate of 250 µg/h , in our patient remains thus hypothetical .
29 This was followed by pamidronate in 500 mL 5% dextrose infused at a rate of 15 mg/h .
30 A form of extendible hashing that does not suffer from oscillations and is claimed to outperform most indexing methods , was reported by Lomet He named the method bounded index exponential hashing ; it is not strictly a direct technique , and suffers from the drawback that the file packing density is generally low , but offers many advantages for files which can grow at a rate that can not be accommodated in a static system .
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