Example sentences of "[verb] at a level " in BNC.

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1 We are not unfamiliar with situations where the best we can do in practice is to assign probabilities , not because events are fundamentally acausal but because their detailed mechanism lies at a level too deep to be accessible to us .
2 Different types of management experience were integrated into a set of principles which were all interrelated and presented at a level of generality which made them as widely applicable as possible .
3 The effectiveness of the market for control rests on the proposition ( ’ the efficient market hypothesis ’ ) that stock markets behave rationally , that is , that shares are priced at a level that reflects a company 's prospects under existing management and that prices are not merely the outcome of speculations on the part of market participants about each other 's behaviour , causing price and underlying value to become detached .
4 Most of the English statements were written at a level of generality that allows for extremely wide interpretation .
5 This must be written at a level suited to the expected readership .
6 And equally important , it is made at a level of generality which has little connection with the work of social scientists .
7 I mean I do n't know what the the the the the standing is with our knowledge of information but I would like to think that if there is er erm not a hidden agenda but agreement being made at a level , that we could share the business .
8 So , he played at , played at a level
9 Well he played at a level , I mean er , I mean he but it 's played at a level where it 's loud enough er to have a good boogie on down
10 Research showed that primary community loyalties operated at a level much lower than district boundaries .
11 The emergence of Gestalt ‘ wholes ’ ( Bruce and Green , 1985 ) or the application of Gestalt principles , as in David Marr 's work on computer vision ( Marr , 1982 ) , illustrate the kinds of matchings of similar elements which , although operating at a level of pre-awareness , nevertheless result in a conscious recognition of an image 's identity .
12 North sea operators are given dispensations , not only when there are equivalent or higher alternative arrangements in place but in some cases when it is well known to the authorities that the platforms are operating at a level that would not be allowed if they were completely new platforms .
13 According to the price inflation version of the Phillips curve , we must of necessity infer that the economy had been operating at a level of demand which was consistent with an unemployment rate U * ; in Figure 6.6 .
14 He insisted that ‘ the critical point of upturn ’ ( point A in Figure 5.8 ) would occur at a level of output ‘ which is highly relevant for practical purposes ’ .
15 The fact that a negative view of women is conveyed at a level which must be largely subconscious makes these texts all the more dangerous .
16 They are undoubtedly right that it has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it desires at a level which will protect high quality .
17 The community was something more than a collection of species working together for mutual advantage — it obeyed laws that could only be understood at a level transcending that of the individual organisms .
18 Well he played at a level , I mean er , I mean he but it 's played at a level where it 's loud enough er to have a good boogie on down
19 The differences between disciplines to which Taylor refers mean that the discussion will to some extent be an abstract one , moving at a level at which one can identify general ideas , characteristics and trends .
20 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
21 All those concerned need to believe that the targets are being set at a level which is achievable .
22 Partly because of Treasury pressure to limit the overall cost of the scheme and partly due to ageist assumptions concerning the needs of older people , the National Insurance pension was set at a level of bare subsistence rather than adequate maintenance .
23 Within the UK the threshold has been set at a level of £135,000 , above which any business supplying or acquiring goods will have to complete this form on a monthly basis .
24 The first part of this course is set at a level that closes the gap which students frequently encounter between Intermediate and Upper Intermediate .
25 But bail should be set at a level which effectively deters flight .
26 A pollution tax could theoretically be set at a level that would exactly match the external costs involved .
27 Shareholders will benefit because the Enhanced Scrip Dividend Alternative has been set at a level which is 50 per cent higher than the recommended final cash dividend .
28 Thus , the AMA argues , the Fifth Amendment ‘ requires that prices must be set at a level that permits any enterprise , including a physician 's medical practice , to operate successfully , to maintain its financial integrity , to attract capital , and to compensate investors for the risk assumed ’ .
29 Total spending per pupil on special schools and related provisions is currently running at a level four times higher than on pupils in ordinary mainstream schools .
30 The new initiative was launched at a meeting between President Clinton and the chief executives of the three largest US car manufacturers : General Motors , Ford and Chrysler , at which a new 10-year target was established to create a practical and affordable model running at a level of fuel efficiency three times higher than at present .
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