Example sentences of "[verb] at [num] pounds " in BNC.

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1 The launch of the Linn CD player , an exotic two-box player priced at ten pounds less than £2600 , comes just a decade into the era of CD , and at a time when record player sales are on their uppers , and W H Smith , the UK 's largest purveyor of prerecorded music , is pledged to withdraw LPs from its stores by about the time this issue hits the newsstands .
2 Wexford had seen that glass and teak lamp in a Kingsmarkham shop and noted it had been priced at twenty-five pounds , one and a quarter times Hatton 's weekly wage .
3 Against you on the aisle so eighty at the back now against you , all done at eighty pounds right at the back , eighty pounds , are you all done ?
4 I 'll sell them at twenty pounds then , in a single bid , are you all done at twenty pounds ?
5 At twenty pounds twenty pounds all done at twenty pounds is bid , thank you , any more at twenty ?
6 I 'll sell at twenty pounds only , are you all done at twenty pounds ?
7 At forty , all done at forty pounds five fifty five , sixty five , seventy five , eighty five eighty five at the back , any more ?
8 However , because we 're going to include waiver of premium automatically for most of our clients it 's got to be the best thing , the best option , we 're looking at two pounds and tuppence as a policy fee , because that 's including two percent waiver of premiums .
9 Said in yesterday 's paper that someone had had a wheelbarrow valued at thirty pounds stolen from a back garden and it was somewhere at Kirk Hill .
10 Oh , it said in yesterday 's paper that someone had had a wheelbarrow valued at thirty pounds stolen from her back garden and it was somewhere at , where the back gardens are n't particularly accessible .
11 Rental of 's cottage is agreed at Eight Pounds ( £8 ) per day , you to let me know dates of arrival and departure , as I am sure also will .
12 Expenditures , er some of the the er higher amounts are printing at ninety pounds fifty , cons conference fees at sixty pounds , er Euro Election er donation of twenty five pounds , photocopies of forty pounds , er bank charges Which er was a point that I took up with the bank erm Mr Chairman last December .
13 Average maintenance is running at fifty pounds a week .
14 I 'll sell at fifty pounds all done , fifty five standing standing at fifty five , sixty sixty there now , sixty five seventy seventy pounds on the right , any more ?
15 Forty forty five fifty on the fifty pounds , any more at fifty and I 'll sell at fifty pounds .
16 Are you all done then at fifty pounds and I shall sell at fifty pounds .
17 At eighty five bid standing standing at eighty five against you all seated now , at ninety pounds , standing at the back and I 'll sell at ninety pounds , are you all done , ninety pounds ninety five just in time one hundred one ten one twenty one thirty one thirty still on the left at the back at one thirty , any more now at a hundred and thirty pounds ?
18 Five eighty eighty five ninety ninety pounds ninety are you all done and I 'll sell at ninety pounds .
19 I 'll sell at sixty , sixty five , seventy seventy five , eighty eighty five , ninety ninety pounds with me , it 's against you seated , at ninety pounds , all done now and I shall sell at ninety pounds , any more at ninety pounds .
20 I 'll sell at eighty pounds .
21 I 'll sell at twenty pounds only , are you all done at twenty pounds ?
22 The trigger on that gun went at fifteen pounds , er just about
23 The subscription for full membership of the Society is currently fixed at five pounds per annum .
24 Lot number twelve Lot twelve an alabaster model there 's the Indian model showing at eighty pounds for this , at eighty , eighty five , ninety five , one hundred , at one hundred pounds at one hundred pounds , any more at one hundred , one hundred , you all done ?
25 The depth gauge tells you how deep you are an essential piece of equipment prices start at 20 pounds and lastly the backpack this hold the tank on your back prices start at 20 pounds and go up to 310 pounds the expensive one include an integrated life jacket which is adjustable .
26 The depth gauge tells you how deep you are an essential piece of equipment prices start at 20 pounds and lastly the backpack this hold the tank on your back prices start at 20 pounds and go up to 310 pounds the expensive one include an integrated life jacket which is adjustable .
27 Are you all finished at thirty pounds for it ?
28 Seventy , seventy five , eighty five ninety ninety is offered at the back and selling for ninety if you 're all finished at ninety pounds .
29 Six , seventy , thank you , standing , seventy five eighty eighty five ninety standing at ninety pounds , against you seated at ninety pounds , are you all done ?
30 It takes five thousand nuts to make a ton of copra , which sells at twenty-four pounds a ton ; and that in turn will only produce about a third of a ton of hair shampoo .
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