Example sentences of "[verb] at [num] level " in BNC.

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1 Halon production is only required to freeze at 1986 levels by 1992 ; no direct cuts are to be implemented .
2 In the late nineteenth century , all administration was grouped at two levels — central and local — so that at each level , decisions could be subjected to the scrutiny of an elected body .
3 As Mukařovský wrote ( Garvin 1964 : 22 ) : The task of the structuralist analyst is therefore to identify deviations from existing linguistic and literary practice ( ‘ norms ’ ) occurring at one level of the text ( say its syntax ) , and then relate the structure of this level to that of the other levels ( rhythm , syllable-structure , aspects of subject matter , etc. ) , in order to define the structure of the text as a whole .
4 The global " problematic " would appear to be located at three levels : ( a ) cultural , ( b ) metaphysical/political , ( c ) technical .
5 In 1992/93 the maximum loan was £715 and this can be expected to increase in real terms in coming years ; at the same time , the level of the maximum maintenance grant and parental contribution has been frozen at 1990/91 levels .
6 Most public-sector salaries were frozen at 1992 levels and " 13th month " wage payments were reduced .
7 Methyl bromide , used as a soil and food fumigant , is a major contributor to ozone depletion , acting five times faster than chloroflourocarbons ( CFCs ) but the November 1992 meeting on the Montreal Protocol agreed only that consumption should be frozen at 1991 levels from 1995 .
8 According to the terms of the agreement , production has to be frozen at 1989 levels from next year , cut by 85 per cent from 1995 in the case of tetra or 30 per cent by 2000 in the case of 1,1,1 , and totally eliminated by 2000 ( 2005 for 1,1,1 ) .
9 Grants and parental contributions would be frozen at 1990 levels and loans would eventually form half of a student 's maintenance award .
10 This can be pursued at two levels .
11 This proposition can be considered at two levels .
12 When children acquire more than one language at once , they too begin by acting as if Contrast applied at one level only when they themselves are speaking .
13 Taxes are collected at three levels of government in Yugoslavia : by the federal government , by the governments of the republics and provinces , and by the communes , including some multi-commune cities .
14 Computers , by comparison , respond to signals that are in binary form , which means they are transmitted at two levels only .
15 The European Commission , which is responsible for formulating the proposal in line with the views of the council of ministers , was criticized for the repeated delays in the adoption of the third Framework programme and hopes to stick to the intricate timetable for approval of the new programme , which must be accepted at three levels .
16 Deem herself acknowledges that the match between policy decisions made at one level of government and what actually happens in the classroom may be less than perfect .
17 Standards developed by the Languages Lead Body will be incorporated into National Certificate Modules , which will continue to be offered at five levels of difficulty .
18 A LCCIEB qualification in English for the Tourism Industry will be offered at two levels from November 1993 .
19 Diamond EuroClass tickets will be offered at three levels of fare , as well as tickets issued on its self-write Timesaver Plus ticket scheme .
20 The MCI framework for management education and development assess at three levels of the management hierarchy .
21 To ensure that all the pleats lie at one level when the blind is raised , the top pleat section should be slightly deeper than those below it in order to cover the front of the batten and to allow for the depth of lath and rings which accumulate at the top of the blind when it is raised .
22 The factors influencing their choices can be understood , and these influences lie at two levels .
23 In each novel the specific configuration of the two discourses , authoritative communist on the one hand , disorientating existential on the other , is the product of two overriding influences : first , the economic , political , ideological and cultural forces that together produced each particular text ; secondly , and this is but a super-structural reflection of the first point , Nizan 's divided ambitions as a novelist , attempting at one level to exploit bourgeois culture in order to disseminate communist ideology effectively ( the communist project ) , and at another level to create a cultural product of value beyond its immediate moment of production ( the bourgeois project ) .
24 It would be easy to caricature Paul 's teaching on work , but what he is doing is to challenge at two levels .
25 Denali is configured at three levels : low-end E series models 15 , 25 and 35 offer mid-range graphics performance ; P series models 310 , 410 and 510 deliver high-performance three-dimensional graphics imaging ; while V series model 520 and 620 , offer high-end texture mapping and imaging functionality .
26 Denali is configured at three levels : low-end E series models 15 , 25 and 35 offer mid-range graphics performance ; P series models 310 , 410 and 510 deliver high-performance 3D graphics imaging ; whilst V series model 520 and 620 , offer high-end texture mapping and imaging functionality .
27 Their conceptions can be challenged at two levels .
28 The control was exercised at two levels , directly through Roman officers , indirectly through the ruling class of the allies themselves : therefore this ruling class had to be supported and even reinforced .
29 These people prepare diagrams , drawings and plans of a technical nature and are employed at two levels , design and detail .
30 The profile format caters for 17 specific language skill areas , which can be assessed at 5 levels .
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