Example sentences of "[verb] at [det] period " in BNC.

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1 The great city — say at this period a settlement of more than 200,000 , including a scattering of metropolitan towns of more than half a million — was not so much industrial ( though it might contain a good many factories ) as a centre of commerce , transport , administration and the multiplicity of services which a large concentration of people attracts and which in turn swell their number .
2 Everyone involved at this period put in time and effort far beyond what might have been predicted .
3 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
4 The health of even the most seasoned campaigners suffered at this period .
5 Mathematical practitioners met at this period in a ‘ club ’ under his leadership .
6 And since , above all , in my view , Rococo has all the characteristics of a fashion , it is evident that this bias did not affect everything that was produced at this period .
7 I recall at this period that I had a new second pilot by the name of Saltzgaber , who was first generation Canadian but German born , The target was Mannheim , When we got into the area we found that thick cloud covered what we thought was tie target , so we went down , But there was no way we were going to get under .
8 This is a rare item as flint was still generally used at this period for such ‘ high risk ’ use Coin of the Month was a superb silver hammered Spanish coin of Ferdinand and Isabella ( 1476–1516 ) .
9 This desertion and decay could , of course , have occurred at any period .
10 Wedged neatly between his route flying at this period was a rescue operation to collect Gen Sikorski 's staff who were making their way to the South of France , hotly pursued by the Germans .
11 The Kyrie-Christe is based on one of the set of conventional tenors employed at this period in English votive Masses of the Virgin , for instance those of Nicolas Ludford ( c. 1485–c. 1557 ) , which are mysteriously called ‘ squares ’ .
12 However , it is apparently the practice that if the prisoner inquires in such a case whether the tariff has been set at 20 years , he will be told if it has been set at that period , but not if it has not .
13 Mackmurdo was also involved at this period with several other pioneer reform movements such as the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings , the Home Arts and Industries Association , and the Art for Schools Association .
14 On the other side were the proponents of a new " music of the future " ( Zukunftsmusik ) , represented by Berlioz , Liszt , and above all , Wagner , whose restless chromatic explorations , culminating at this period in Tristan und Isolde ( finished in 1859 ) and the tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen ( 1854–74 ) , most radically undermined traditional diatonic stability .
15 I suppose that , as I myself had not started to smoke at that period of time , it was worse for me , just like garlic eaters .
16 Excavations at two sites deserted at this period , Goltho in Lincolnshire and Barton Blount in Derbyshire , have shown this .
17 What kind of men were a village headmaster 's daughters marrying at that period ?
18 Not , of course , that all the policies of the mature Balcon emerged at this period .
19 We know little of the living conditions of the people of Halling at this period , but examples of other area 's tell us that life for the village labouring class was hard with few comforts , houses being often nothing more than hovels with earth packed floors on which rushes would be strewn .
20 ( h ) Octavian , later Augustus , heir to Julius Caesar , portrayed on a coin minted in 36–31 BC. ( c ) Antiochus III , King of Syria ( 223–187 BC ) , Is thought to have been the model for the portraits of Octavian made at this period .
21 E. P. Thompson is no doubt right to insist that a distinctive working-class culture was being formed at this period .
22 Archaeologists can reveal only very fragmentary glimpses of how people lived at any period , but what they imagined and thought is beyond recovery — the meagre scraps of records are useless or , at best , tantalizing in that they provide details torn from their context .
23 The most important element of this optimism is that the counselling approach implies that growth is a continuous process during which our potential capacities can be drawn upon and developed at any period of life , including old age .
24 Unlikely though it seemed to students and friends of the scholarly and bespectacled professor , he had at this period worked for what became SOE ( a kind of work for which his precision of mind , excellent memory and linguistic ability pre-eminently qualified him : he contrived among other exploits to smuggle the leader of the Bulgarian Peasant Party out of the country into Turkey in a truck ) .
25 The readiness of Scots to migrate at this period has prompted suggestions that there were forces inherent in Scottish society which encouraged high levels of mobility and a propensity to migrate , but this has yet to be shown .
26 Still groups are liked at this period , and this is one of the noblest .
27 Several photographs from that holiday went into the huge scrapbook which John compiled at that period .
28 Although we had excellent training schemes for our general customs work at this period cutter crews did not receive any specialised instruction for crewing duties .
29 His economic theorizing , which remained at this period within the framework of neo-classical doctrine , was driven by policy considerations .
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