Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] level " in BNC.

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1 That is either voltage or ligands , in the cases respectively of voltage activated channels or ligand activated channels , both of those factors will act at the level of gating .
2 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
3 The rise in taxes will reduce disposable income by £2 million so that saving will fall at every level of national income by £ ( mps × ΔY d ) or 0.2 x× £2m. = £0.4 million .
4 Similarly , imports will fall at every level of national income by £ ( mpm × ΔY d ) which is also equal to £0.4 million .
5 If one uses the criteria in the Department of Transports manual of environmental appraisal , to which the County Council themselves have referred , most of those levels of reduction do n't even erm fall at the level where you would normally evaluate their environmental impact .
6 The differences between male and female connotations are really located at the level of semantics ( that is the level of meaning ) rather than at the level of syntax .
7 This finding was considered as an ‘ uncomplicated ’ Barrett 's oesophagus. ( e ) Grade IV : presence of a peptic ulcer or stricture of the oesophagus , located at the level or distal to the mucosal junction , always in the presence of a Barrett 's oesophagus .
8 Whilst guidance on suitable mechanisms for multidisciplinary collaboration has at the level of planning been published , the use of mechanisms to co-ordinate information and assessment at the level of practice has been actively discouraged .
9 Their models have been evolving as circumstances have changed and explain much of what has been happening at the level of the industry , but say little about the behaviour of individual firms .
10 And thirdly , if you find that a current for a particular ion is stimulated , it 's becomes difficult to describe what 's happening at the level of transport , at the level of channel activity .
11 That is , the parallelisms and symmetries which poetry manifests at the level of verbal form automatically cause the reader to look for corresponding parallelisms and symmetries at the level of meaning .
12 If one simply looks at the level of unemployment amongst architects over time , it is difficult to identify a clear pattern linked to any of the regulatory reforms .
13 Sun , he said , looks at the level of maintenance required and sends the relevant person for the job — if a high level of expertise is needed to deal with a particular problem , then a highly qualified engineer will see to it .
14 The subliminal message of most music is that the universe is essentially benign , that if there is sadness or tragedy , this is resolved at the level of some higher harmony .
15 We are not unfamiliar with situations where the best we can do in practice is to assign probabilities , not because events are fundamentally acausal but because their detailed mechanism lies at a level too deep to be accessible to us .
16 Admittedly the current burst of improvement dates back only to the Renaissance , which was preceded by a dismal period of stagnation , in which European scientific culture was frozen at the level achieved by the Greeks .
17 All went well until 1985 , when museum purchase grants were frozen at the level at which they have remained , the reasoning being that for anything really important , they could go to the NHMF .
18 Thus , as a case study in business history , the Stockton and Darlington Company provides important insights into the process of managerial decision-making in a period of economic history which has hitherto been under-researched at the level of the individual firm .
19 French space policy has been actively pursued at the level of Prime Minister , Cabinet and President .
20 Hence , a music that demands to be considered at the level of what the words mean , the coherence of the narrative , the intentions of the artist , biographical input .
21 Students are given opportunities at field and Modular Course level to raise difficulties not addressed at the level of modules .
22 Now of course you ca n't predict at the level of the individual school what the population is going to be , but you can nevertheless be very clear that the system as a whole is going to have many erm fewer pupils .
23 For some teachers , problems arose when they sought to reconcile this expectation with their simultaneous sense of obligation to monitor , diagnose , assess and interact at the level of the individual child .
24 Different types of management experience were integrated into a set of principles which were all interrelated and presented at a level of generality which made them as widely applicable as possible .
25 The effectiveness of the market for control rests on the proposition ( ’ the efficient market hypothesis ’ ) that stock markets behave rationally , that is , that shares are priced at a level that reflects a company 's prospects under existing management and that prices are not merely the outcome of speculations on the part of market participants about each other 's behaviour , causing price and underlying value to become detached .
26 Effective planning for mission in Britain as in many other countries has been hampered at every level by lack of reliable data .
27 Disincentives applied at the level of general practice as well .
28 What the results from these single channel techniques demonstrate , that is the patch clamp or the bilayer techniques , what these results demonstrate is that the factors enhancing macroscopic channel currents invariably act at the level of gating .
29 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
30 Most of the English statements were written at a level of generality that allows for extremely wide interpretation .
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