Example sentences of "[verb] they to go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 And Ve Vera phoned this morning , Joe phoned this morning an all I did n't want them to go out , anyway I 've made arrangements to go round to see Vera on Friday afternoon and they they went out to where was it ?
2 So they would actually be in a lesson with tutors we would nominate who you 'd want them to go in with so I 'm not saying do it now you 've all got your programmes I assume , sorted for the first half term anyway an erm , pretty well tied up , should be erm so really it 's down to saying who they 're gon na go in with er
3 One year later she and her husband were expressing their thanks to the Home Support Project for helping them to go on looking after Mrs Cummings at home , and said that although it was still a strain it was ‘ nowhere near as hard as it has been , now that we 've got other people to help us ’ .
4 I want them to go on because they can see it 's the only thing to do .
5 ‘ I have a young side with seven of the lads under 22 and I want them to go out and play good football .
6 Old Señor Freitas coughed , before he said , ‘ Sometimes señoritas have families who want them to go back to their own country . ’
7 want them to go in .
8 But Grace would n't need them to go out to sea on the ebb tide .
9 Agreeing with something someone else has said is a powerful way to encourage them to go on and say more .
10 To encourage them to go back , the US and Britain left behind a rapid-strike force , to be stationed just inside the Turkish border , which would sock it to Saddam if he dared resume anti-Kurd aggression .
11 Juliet tapped , and a voice told them to go in .
12 In America , brokers acting as price stabilisers arrange what is known as a ‘ green shoe ’ — an agreement which allows them to go back , cap in hand , to the issuing company and simply ask for more new shares to cover their position .
13 ‘ After all , you ca n't expect them to go on saying yes for ever . ’
14 At the last , Britain 's ambassador to Constantinople abandoned the encouragement he had been giving the Turks and advised them to go on negotiating , but by this time neither Britain nor France was in a position to withdraw the backing which they had been giving the sultan .
15 So they were joining them , they came over The Texas sister came over for twelve months and they must have persuaded them to go back or something .
16 They just tell them to go out an' get more money , do n't they ?
17 The Unions tell them to go out an' get more money an' ITV an' the papers tell them what to spend it on so the disease is always covered up .
18 I ca n't answer your question about why we encourage them to go out .
19 Everything urged them to go down , yet they were continuing upwards .
20 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
21 what Alan intends to do is write to all line managers and ask them to go back and review their appraisal erm documents for every member of staff they 've appraised .
22 Her children were both obviously too little to understand more than the tone of her voice , and as she dressed them to go out with her to the shops she was saying " and when Daddy comes home , we 'll show him , shall we ?
23 The question arises : is there something about such jobs that directly causes the people who do them to go off sick more than others ?
24 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
25 If you want to motivate them to go out and sell that product , you 've got to make them feel it is important to them .
26 During the 1980s , there has been a marked decline in the proportion of secondary students who gain the Sudan School Certificate which enables them to go on to higher education or enter the civil service .
27 She wanted them to go on being friends — if this cold formality was friendship — because anything was better than never seeing him again .
28 At first , the payment entitled them to go on receiving food-subsidy coupons from the team , even though they were no longer working for it .
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