Example sentences of "[verb] on [art] particular " in BNC.

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1 Customs officers , moreover , might be located on a particular station as a favour to burgh councillors , some of whom were not infrequently deeply involved in smuggling , and there is a suspicious insistence in some of the correspondence upon the placing of an individual in a very specific place , particularly in those districts distant from Edinburgh .
2 It has never been more important to concentrate on a particular area where your business can obtain a pre-eminent position , and to understand the basis of that pre-eminence .
3 They can advise their clients [ customers ] on all aspects of the law although many tend to concentrate on a particular area .
4 They can advise their clients [ customers ] on all aspects of the law although many tend to concentrate on a particular area .
5 They can advise their clients [ customers ] on all aspects of the law although many tend to concentrate on a particular area .
6 They can advise their clients [ customers ] on all aspects of the law although many tend to concentrate on a particular area .
7 MOSFETs fabricated on a particular face of the silicon crystal structure ( the so-called ( 100 ) face ) are the best .
8 We are currently in discussion with the TECs about their budget and I do not think that it would be appropriate for me to comment on the particular circumstances of my hon. Friend 's local TEC .
9 Balancing an existing roster is of primary importance to a major company , whereas some smaller independent companies can and do concentrate on a particular sound or style of music .
10 In pursuit of this goal , the grammarian will concentrate on a particular body of data and attempt to produce an exhaustive but economical set of rules which will account for all and only the acceptable sentences in his data .
11 A secondee might focus on a particular issue : for example , training , recruitment or appraisal .
12 Yes , we 've covered various subjects er more than once , er so much so that er I would be much obliged if you would er focus on a particular instance that I could then have an opportunity to recall .
13 In all tribal education the emphasis lies on a particular act of behaviour in a concrete situation .
14 This catalogue is used to check the books that the library holds on a particular subject .
15 There is nothing more annoying than a computer system that works beautifully , say , in a library , and then one goes in at nine thirty in the morning and you ca n't get books out because the power has gone off , and if we are sure to go on having a society with industrial disputes , we want a system that is not capable of being completely ruined by one small section of workers deciding not to work on a particular day , and so I think while we 're putting them in , while we want to put them in in a way which that is compatible , we also need to think of having a kind of fail-safe system , particularly in the sort of more serious applications such as medicine and transport and so on , whereby we ca n't be held to ransom by very a small group of people , or indeed by just some technical fault , such as a power failure or something of this kind .
16 I would like to be well versed on a particular subject at work and sought out for my advice
17 In his Introduction to the Paston Letters J. Gairdner pointed out that letters were often dated as being written on a particular day of the week , say Monday or Wednesday , before or after such a celebration .
18 This is the case for every class ( the term for all the contracts written on a particular share ) of option except those for Vaal Reefs , the two gilts and those on the FTSE Index .
19 Therefore , the degree to which official statistics underestimate the actual level of crime depends on the particular category of crime .
20 Just how dangerous they are depends on the particular chemical and how much is used .
21 What happens next depends on the particular model : you may find that the machine goes automatically into record mode on switch-on , or you may have to press an additional button to ready it for recording .
22 The design depends on the particular stitch on the left or right of the pattern being transferred in the intended direction .
23 There are situations in which one technique will be preferable to all others , and which of these is most suitable depends on the particular situation .
24 Survival depends on the particular disease and conditions that a person is found to have .
25 The choice of the interviewers and the interview process depends on the particular job .
26 The type of drawing ( or " language " used ) again depends on the particular application .
27 The form of a pattern depends on the particular game .
28 A contingency approach to leadership is one which argues that the ability of a manager to be a leader , and to influence his subordinate work group , depends on the particular situation , and will vary from case to case .
29 In the case of the capital tax , the long-run incidence is critically determined by how the tax affects aggregate savings , and this in turn depends on the particular assumptions concerning the determinants of savings within the economy .
30 The response of polymers to mechanical stresses can vary widely , and depends on the particular state the polymer is in at any given temperature .
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