Example sentences of "[verb] for a considerable " in BNC.

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1 I had to wait for a considerable time for the expanse of blue sky above my chosen scene ( figure XX ) to be substantial enough for photography .
2 When the Ottoman empire declared war on a foreign state its unfortunate representative in Constantinople was very often immediately thrown into the Seven Towers prison there , where he might stay for a considerable time .
3 In Romania the legacy of the late President Ceausescu 's National Stalinism' will persist for a considerable time and the directions of change can not easily be predicted .
4 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
5 And that is why we are so confident IBM — at least at the high levels where policy is made — has n't a clue about the nature of the large systems customers on which it depends for a considerable portion of its revenue and , we believe , more than half its gross profit .
6 Since no money has been drawn for a considerable number of years and interest has accrued at 7.5% per annum the fund now stands at around £1000 .
7 Since no money has been drawn for a considerable number of years and interest has accrued at 7.5% per annum the fund now stands at around £1000 .
8 Because he thought that he was dealing with the National Press rather than simply a few local people whom he had been ignoring for a considerable time , the Mayor responded to direct questioning , even if he did not change his colours .
9 There was no damage to the contents of the imperial treasury , but behind the scenes , the water has destroyed the complex new security and the air conditioning systems , so it will be closed for a considerable time ’ .
10 This is , in effect , what had already been known for a considerable time as a ‘ cantata ’ for six voices , four viole , two violini , and string and keyboard continuo , in four strongly contrasted sections ( solo and tutti ) preceded by a sinfonia .
11 effects would not be known , would not be known for a considerable period of time .
12 The great advantage of having a fixed date er for these European elections on the ninth of June , a date that 's been well known for a considerable time now , should be the certainty for the electorate , that they know not only the date of that election but the geographical boundary er of the constituency in which they live er the candidates that they can choose from and of course in relation to European elections , the number of er members of the European parliament that there will be representing the United Kingdom .
13 Far from being ‘ immoral ’ or promiscuous , there is plentiful evidence that in fact the working class , partly inheriting structures from their rural predecessors , had a very clear set of ethics of their own which survived for a considerable time .
14 He simply hopes they will emerge of their own accord , and this may not happen for a considerable time .
15 Such families have been well placed to secure the best contacts and the best education , and rising young stars have often married into them , so social prestige and heredity have continued to count for a considerable amount .
16 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
17 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
18 The gambling tax in Nevada pays for a considerable part of their social services ; so their state sales-tax is less than in neighbouring states , while capital taxes are non-existent .
19 The longer the lapse of time the less your chance of success , but ferrets can live for a considerable period within a burrow system — as much as three weeks .
20 Often this has been because THE new housing market has been buoyant and it has been acknowledged that this market can not be missed as , at best , it is lost for a CONSIDERABLE time .
21 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
22 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
23 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : The Hon. Gentleman was not a member of the Standing Committee , so he may be unaware that the disposal programme will start in the autumn and will continue for a considerable time .
24 He suggested that the air campaign would continue for a considerable period before a ground attack would be considered .
25 There are some 250,000 Salvadoreans now living in regions which the FMLN forces have controlled for a considerable period of time , in some cases for up to three years .
26 If I behaved in a similar fashion I would expect to lose my ‘ ticket ’ and be imprisoned for a considerable time .
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