Example sentences of "[verb] for a moment " in BNC.

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1 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
2 I 'd love to help her , and I know every one of us would ; but I do n't think for a moment that Miss Miggs would let us pay her fare , even if we could raise so much money . ’
3 And I do n't think for a moment that I 'm alone in feeling this way .
4 Aggressive criticisms of assembly-line education such as this from the 1930s should cause us to stop and think for a moment .
5 Do n't think for a moment that the women are all on the creative side of the business .
6 He could feel the vibrations in his bones ; juddering the cradle he was strapped into , making him think for a moment that the tiny vehicle was going to shake itself to pieces .
7 I do not think for a moment that the Letter of Aristeas should be taken as a Festal Scroll , something like the Book of Esther , to be read in the Alexandrian synagogues every year on the day on which ( as we know from Philo ) the Alexandrian Jews commemorated the translation ( De vita Mosis 2.41 ) .
8 He should think for a moment what that means .
9 Let us think for a moment about some of those who have been left behind .
10 There were very old dogs , taken gently to the nearest suitable spot then straight home ; dogs who bounded ahead , to wait for a moment , look round , eyes shining , mouth dripping , before dashing off once more ; dogs on the lead , who would drag their owner slowly from one thoughtfully sniffed-over site to the next ; and there were some , like Wilson , who trotted to heel — alert , brisk , responsible — although Wilson was not a dog , only so much like an Aberdeen terrier in bearing and gait that his picture sometimes became confused in my mind .
11 They stood there , breathless , as the steps came nearer , stopped for a moment outside then turned up the corridor .
12 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
13 Above them , the tiny figure crawling along the top of a pipe stopped for a moment , and then continued .
14 Suddenly he noticed how pale I was , and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back .
15 The bachelor stopped for a moment , while the children 's imaginations took in these wonderful pictures .
16 At the foot of the steps Lan stopped for a moment to turn and stare back at Joseph .
17 With a jolt of excitement , as if his heart has stopped for a moment , his mind leaps to the image of a pyramid-shaped mountain .
18 The singing of the birds stopped for a moment , and then started again .
19 Then , just as if the world had frozen and stopped for a moment , she saw the woman in the driving seat , face white , eyes glassy with shock , the mouth stretched in a grimace which looked like terror .
20 As Gabriel 's concentration was broken for a moment , his shears cut the sheep 's skin .
21 But towards noon of the next day the clouds parted for a moment .
22 ‘ Anyway , ’ she added , diverted for a moment , ‘ where 's safe for you if you do n't know any English literature ? ’
23 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
24 Having laid the groundwork of his interest , the politician had to be ready when election time rolled around again , and at that point an incumbent who could re-apply to constituents whom he had frequent occasion to meet , and ask them for a continuation of their friendship , without suggesting for a moment that any of them had a duty to support him in recognition of an implied bargain for past favours , was in a far stronger position than a man whose only contacts with his constituents took the form of patronage letters .
25 I 'm not suggesting for a moment it does n't cross my mind nor has Mr suggested that there has been any er deliberate failures to disclose something which was thought was , which you 've got and was thought relevant , but it , things do turn out to be potentially relevant in the course of the court appearance
26 I 'm not suggesting for a moment that university people are n't as integrated as anyone else .
27 Accepting for a moment this kind of argument , the question is , is it possible to argue that there is some accepted component of grammar that is non-autonomous with respect to pragmatics ( i.e. some component requiring pragmatic input ) ?
28 The noise in the taproom stilled for a moment , even the farmers in the corner drunkenly arguing about the price of wheat ; two harridans from the town shrieking at each other over an upturned barrel ; and a group of young bloods , garishly dressed in costly silks , noisily roistering before a night out on the town .
29 Erm but not everybody 's quite so erm y'know not everybody gets on with everybody and um this kind of what you might call personal chemistry , to lapse for a moment into pharmacological determinism er maybe helps um maybe helps a bit .
30 Then Bunny , battling his way against the flow of the children , appeared in the hall and halted for a moment , the belt of his mackintosh undone , looking up at the windows of the rehearsal room .
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