Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] longer " in BNC.

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1 If the budget worsens after revenue-yielding tariffs have been reduced , governments may not be able to wait for the longer term trade gains to emerge to replace the lost revenue .
2 If they want to go for a longer period , a key worker would go out with them . ’
3 The Gold Ninety Account is a very high interest ninety day notice account for the longer term investor .
4 At the 1890 Convention of Local Phonograph Companies in Chicago , delegates asked for a longer cylinder with a section specifically set aside for an announcement , but this did not come about .
5 Entering and leaving conversation , bidding for a longer turn , refusing without appearing rude , changing the topic , are all notoriously difficult for foreign learners : tasks for which the language classroom , where turns are patiently organized and controlled by the teacher , has hardly prepared them .
6 Some were more active than any predecessor against some particular organism , and some had special merits in use , such as working when given by mouth , or acting for a longer period than usual .
7 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
8 There was nothing against my packing a bag and loading the wheelbarrow on the Land Rover so that it could be used for the longer , more difficult sections .
9 using it at the same rate but it 's going for a longer time .
10 Even if the majority of exercises employed are basically the same , the results will vary according to whether you work hard for short periods or do easier work for a longer stretch .
11 A behavioural response is strengthened when it has an increased probability of occurring ( frequency ) or when it is likely to be performed for a longer period of time ( duration ) .
12 Why ca n't they plan for a longer term for those trees ?
13 For example , if you wish your ‘ commanding ’ child to wait patiently until a more convenient time for her demands to be met , you could reinforce ( reward ) her for waiting for ( say ) ten seconds , subsequently you would reinforce her for waiting for a longer interval of time , gradually increasing the interval each time you ask her to wait .
14 any motor vehicle standing on a part of a road specially set aside for the parking of vehicles , or as a stand for hackney carriages , or as a stand for public service vehicles , or as a place at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers where compliance with this regulation would conflict with the provisions of any order , regulations or byelaws governing the use of such part of a road for that purpose ;
15 All subjects studied were regular smokers but the duodenal ulcer patients were significantly older and had therefore smoked for a longer period ( Table I ) .
16 Does my hon. Friend agree that when such councils involve constitutional amendments to the treaty as well as , as always , substantial business for the Heads of Government to transact , some new formula should be produced whereby meetings could be scheduled for a longer period ?
17 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
18 Richards hopes for a longer liaison with his manager than the three-and-a-half-year deal just signed by Francis .
19 And a couple of days ago Fergus had suggested they go for a longer hike , up into the trackless hills where the Landy could n't reach .
20 Have you gone for the longer length ?
21 ( c ) Ensure that no voucher is retained for a longer period than 14 days from receipt .
22 But it is possible to have a covenant which lasts for a longer period , provided that the period is specified in the Deed .
23 for example , the maintenance of blood pressure when changing from a lying to a standing position is achieved less rapidly as we age ; as a result the blood supply to the brain is decreased for a longer time and there is a greater tendency to feel dizzy .
24 However , we noticed that rabbits mechanically ventilated with small amounts of NO bled for a longer time than controls when arterial catheters were removed , suggesting that systemic effects occur .
25 At least we did for the longer
26 But ‘ real ’ memory must last for a longer time than such short-term effects as habituation and sensitization , and must show greater specificity .
27 However , there is also evidence the emergence of serious skill shortages in some occupations which may prejudice the county 's ability to prepare for the longer term challenges of the Tunnel and the Single European Market .
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