Example sentences of "[verb] with [adj] care " in BNC.

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1 The huge proportions of the main rooms made it unsuitable for conversion into houses , as did the flat-roofed additions — albeit designed with some care .
2 She drew too much water , and the Bahamas , for the most part , are a shallow bank dotted with ripsaw coral heads and treacherous shoals where flat-bottomed boats might glide in comparative safety , but where a deep-keeled schooner was forced to creep with painful care .
3 ‘ The particular circumstances when a legal duty is to be imposed , ’ it says , ‘ will need to be considered with great care . ’
4 But the four presidents also warned that ‘ the particular circumstances when a legal duty is to be imposed will need to be considered with great care
5 I can certainly give my hon. Friend an assurance that , were the investigations by the Serious Fraud Office to produce evidence of fraud that would have to be considered by those involved in criminal prosecutions of if there were claims that the Occupational Pensions Board had been negligent or in any other way culpable of failure to carry out its duties as imposed by the law , those matters would be considered with great care .
6 The shop stocked un-Irish books also , and even the smallest volume was treated and presented with greater care than has ever been known in the bookworm paradises of Charing Cross Road or Hay-on-Wye .
7 They are used to politicians listening with some care to their demands , and the evidence of this attention and the obvious impact of general elections is usually sufficient to make them feel that the old maxims of the Westminster model still have some meaning .
8 Would that half of our consumer goods were manufactured with such care , such precision , such detail .
9 But it has to be done with great care , infrequently It is if you like , a nuclear deterrent in that sense .
10 Close provides a perfect English accent and mimes convincingly to the singing of Dame Kiri Te Kenawa but not all the dubbing has been done with such care .
11 What little money he did have was spent on a record selected with extreme care which became , to his way of thinking , a possession close to his heart .
12 I must point out that she was selected with considerable care .
13 Intently he watched it and then searched with renewed care all the nearer part of the Waste .
14 This meant that the guest lists had to be scrutinized with great care and it required considerable awareness on the part of Eugénie to be able to decide who would match with whom .
15 Any pronouncement about educational technology needs to be scrutinized with great care to ascertain what meaning is intended — the machines , the machines in use , or a methodology .
16 Also to the drivers , who not only drove with such care that the passengers were n't inconvenienced in any way , but also doubled as bike handlers to get the bikes on and off the trailer , inevitably a dirty job .
17 Carson drove with extra care and an eye on the mirror , but they covered the distance on the noisy roads to Ealing without any problem .
18 She was so furious that she drove with exaggerated care back to Kalkara , in case she crashed into someone in her distracted state .
19 In the final paragraph the auditors conclude : ‘ In our opinion , the half-yearly financial information has been prepared with due care and using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by Guardian Royal Exchange plc in its statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
20 " … a guide for the medical practitioners of both tropical and temperate regions to the origins and diagnosis of infections that are tropical as opposed to being cosmopolitan , and of great value for training and teaching because it reproduces much better and more comprehensively than is possible with ordinary textbooks the appearance of specimens that will be examined … has been prepared with great care and deserves to remain one of the standard texts in the subject for many years . "
21 Solicitors making a claim for a large sum in costs in this jurisdiction should provide for the court a detailed statement of those costs , prepared with proper care , and make the statement available to the other parties well in advance of the hearing ( post , p. 528B–D ) .
22 It is plain that the solicitors ' claim was not prepared with proper care .
23 If the exchange has a contractual duty of care , it is probably limited to acting with reasonable care and skill in the best interests of the market as a whole , and for legitimate reasons .
24 Crafted with loving care , and precisely detailed , the model displayed a delightful semi-rural community .
25 However , such a course must be adopted with great care .
26 So the choice of the person with whom we share this personal journey has to be made with great care .
27 Stained peels , when made with great care , have very high resolution and can be as good as a DPT for point counting and studies of diagenesis .
28 The interesting thing about this — in my experience the first ever co-ordinated attempt to find a target — was that despite the assurance of all the enthusiasts to the scheme ( one Plt Off Leonard Cheshire included ) that the run was made with great care , not one of a dozen or more taking part in this quite unofficial experiment claimed to have ever seen one of the other 's flares or Very lights .
29 In the latter case , but not the former , the society is responsible if the report is not made with due care and skill by its employee .
30 ( 3 ) If no time limit is stated , a person will be permitted to change his intention only if the Panel is satisfied that the original announcement was made with due care after proper consideration of all relevant circumstances , and has not misled shareholders or the market .
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