Example sentences of "[verb] not believe [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps when you 're lying down on the floor and tied up by little people you can hardly see and do n't believe in , that 's not the best time to start communicating .
2 She took a lot of convincing : distrust was deeply ingrained in her , she dared not believe in good fortune ; she was conditioned to thinking in terms of Lajos and adjustment took some time .
3 His leader did not believe for one moment the protestations of innocence .
4 But the Chancellor said in a series of television and radio interviews that he did not believe in ‘ trying to play silly games , political games ’ — and he would not rule out a further increase if it became necessary .
5 Frank said that he did not believe in God ; such a belief can not possibly be proved ; the good life is possible without it ; and the only faculty to judge is the reason , which tells us to say , we do not know .
6 She wanted to say , ‘ Because of Maggie and Rachel and Lisa and the garden and duty and sunshine , ’ but alone in the darkness she did not believe in any of that .
7 He disliked the ethos of Irish Protestantism and he did not believe in its doctrines .
8 Let us keep our meditation simple by discounting various facts fact , for example , that most of Christ 's Jewish contemporaries did not believe in His divinity or join the newly founded Christian Church or sect .
9 He did not believe in the 1952 Global Strategy paper 's concept of a period of ‘ broken-backed war ’ after an indecisive nuclear exchange in Europe that would give the Navy a worthwhile role in the Atlantic in global war .
10 It concerned a man who did not believe in real divorces .
11 God speaks to Moses again and to Aaron : ‘ Because you did not believe in me , to sanctify me in the eyes of the people of Israel , therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them . ’
12 As for what I meant by progressive methods , he did not believe in just filling children with data , if that 's what I meant .
13 Ludens did not believe in any personal God , least of all in the unattractive authoritarian figure of Jehovah .
14 Another of Mr. Talbot 's activities was the loaning of money at a fair old rate of interest but he did not believe in spending a penny to smarten his premises from which the paint was peeling so badly that bare wood was revealed .
15 We must remember that in 1600 , when Galileo was at Padua , the Inquisition had burned Giordano Bruno to death for daring to say that he did not believe in transubstantiation of bread into body and wine into the blood of Christ at the Eucharist .
16 She quickly told herself not to be ridiculous , that she did not believe in any of that mumbo jumbo .
17 Although Jonadab did not believe in the old country superstition that an elder bush planted by a house kept away witches , he was a firm believer that it deflected lightning during a storm .
18 The powers-that-were did not believe in explanation .
19 Tolkien did not believe in ‘ old religions ’ or ‘ witch-cults ’ ; C. S. Lewis wrote a paper called ‘ The Anthropological Approach ’ which damned the learned variety of that error beyond redemption .
20 On returning to the box and resuming his duties , he was more puzzled than frightened for he did not believe in ghosts .
21 The bean casserole really was n't bad and was followed by a savoury because Aunt Lou did not believe in sweet puddings .
22 They did not believe in the coming of the Messiah , especially the popular idea of the Messiah who would free the people from the Romans .
23 They did not believe in any form of resurrection .
24 There were some Romans who did not believe in all their own pagan gods but who were inclined towards the idea of one universal God .
25 They did not believe in any form of resurrection yet they asked a question concerning this topic .
26 Lady Thatcher did not believe in keeping the value of sterling to a level which would help British industry .
27 He was very drowsy , and as I had no intention of letting him wake himself up with a conversation on my private life or anything else , I said I did not believe in mixing business and pleasure , and , as I hoped , the cliché put him to sleep .
28 Feuerbach 's position was more consistent : he was a philosopher who did not believe in God but was on his own admission passionately concerned with religion and theology , whose real object he held to be man himself .
29 The food was served up by the equally cheerful owner , a middle-aged lady who did not believe in overcharging her customers .
30 But Bailey did not believe in rules , and he wanted Shrimpton , so he got her .
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