Example sentences of "[verb] not send [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not a pathfinder for any particular final result , and certainly the President of the United States has not sent me here .
2 And then I , I was at Doctor 's but he er he has n't sent me a letter .
3 The Polish government has promised not to send them home , but no deal has been reached for their resettlement .
4 When he saw they were addressed to areas where letters have been intercepted and stolen cards used by thieves , he decided not to send them out and got in touch with the Fraud Section .
5 She read it through the following morning and decided not to send it , but a small niggle of grievance stayed in her mind .
6 The pope did not send him a pallium until June 634 and , given the long-standing papal concern with the well-being of the church of Canterbury , a three-year interval between Honorius ' appointment and the sending of a pallium would seem to be rather a long time .
7 Dennis Clark yesterday told John Turner , 30 , that society would be outraged if he did not send him to prison .
8 I did not send them to school again for many years .
9 ‘ Yes , we sent you away , Fergus , but I know now that we did not send you far enough . ’
10 In looking back at my records I notice that I did not send you the enclosed form which I have now completed .
11 Do not send me back to Hanoi empty handed . ’
12 The piazza is huge , and roads meeting there are wide and not easy to cross ; you need one eye on the traffic , one on the trams and another on the tramlines to make sure they do not send you sprawling .
13 We do not send you copies of every letter we write , minutes of every meeting we attend , etc because we assumed you would realise we were getting on with the job .
14 I was a bit depressed about it and nearly did n't sent it off .
15 We did n't send them .
16 His parents did n't send him here to have the teachers live his life for him . ’
17 ‘ I did n't send him out , ’ Doyle replied .
18 And if the task she had in mind did n't send him rushing from the house , she was a Dutchman .
19 ‘ You did n't send him away because of me ? ’ she asked in amazement .
20 I sent , I did n't send him the originals I sent a copy .
21 ‘ And I did n't send her any asterisk memos at all for about a month after that , which was highly unusual .
22 I mean , surely you did n't send her back because of me ? ’
23 But they took me away after that awful morning and did n't send me back to Byron House for another year and a half .
24 This time he did n't send me away , but he went on annotating a report on his desk , without looking up .
25 She did n't send me a Christmas card .
26 ‘ It 's what I 've wanted to do for a long time , so long that I ca n't remember a time when the name Tony Radcliffe did n't send me into a violent rage ! ’
27 my kids have n't had any food all weekend that I 've paid for because you did n't send me my giro , they 've had their meals because they 've been round there at grandma 's , but I 'm not telling you that , yeah , you know .
28 ‘ She did n't send it to Natasha van Ryneveld either , ’ put in Charlotte .
29 Oh I did n't send it , no , I presumed my er , my managers would have it 's a , it 's a specifically to do with appraisals , erm , persuading to think I 'm entitled to five hundred pound a day , or some something like that .
30 Mm , I could n't find it in my , in my , in my dictionary so I did n't send it off last week .
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