Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] situation " in BNC.

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1 There is also the adjective so-called , which in a comparably explicit way calls into question the relation between an entity and the description or properties which might be supposed to belong to it : ( 42 ) it is the so-called liberals who have closed down the press The author of this sentence is not casting doubt on the existence of the people he is writing about , nor on the existence of such properties as may be characterized by the word liberals ( nor for that matter the existence of people who might be so described ) but only on the validity of the relationship between the description " liberals " and the people who are acting as censors in the situation portrayed by this particular sentence .
2 They can even be used allopathically ( as in orthodox medicine ) and this is just what is happening in the situation above when one or two remedies are advocated for the treatment of everyone with one disease label .
3 It is possible that risky situations may lead to enhanced memory for information centrally important to driving in the situation but show impairments in memory for information peripheral to the driving task .
4 Thus , Billig 's ethnographic study of Young Conservatives ( reprinted in this volume , Chapter 4 ) showed that the denial of prejudice occurred in a situation where all shared similar views .
5 The worker , we concluded , is caught in that he wants to make some investment in work , even though the ends sought may be quite diverse by different workers , and , at the same time , is always caught in a situation where he has to experience feelings of resentment .
6 Following from these considerations , Chapters 2 and 3 both contain precedents for use in non-consumer transactions , prepared from the point of view of the supplier and the customer respectively , to show examples of the different approaches that each party has in a situation where he has the preponderance of bargaining power , and wishes to use it .
7 Moreover , if a pilot decides not to launch in a situation like this , he must never be overruled or criticised for playing it safe .
8 Erm , I do n't think that er , in structural terms therefore a , a change of government would er , make a great deal , a difference , then you come to er , the general effect of a , a change of government er , I think at the moment we 're living in a situation of uncertainty and er , a clear majority erm , for any party would probably from a business point of view erm , remove the uncertain short term .
9 Relapse in the absence of a precipitating event is most likely to occur when the patient is living in a situation characterised by high expressed emotion between himself and a relative with whom he has a high degree of contact .
10 Yeah because I do n't think anything will will work unless it 's what the people who are living in the circumstances and living in the situation erm , if it 's not going to relevant to their lives then , you 're wasting the money .
11 As social work you 've had quite a contact erm with people on the flats , erm living in the situation they actually most people in the flats .
12 It may be thought disturbing that the two methods give different answers ; however , the real argument against both is clearer when they are applied in a situation where the purchases are of different commodities , e.g. coal ( in tons ) , electricity ( in kilowatt hours ) , matches ( in boxes of 50 ) .
13 What faith says in a situation is an expression of what it sees behind the situation .
14 This results in a situation , represented in " 3 " , where near-shore sediments can actually accumulate , presuming the subsidence to have occurred in that particular environmental belt .
15 The need to secure obedience to the laws passed by Parliament is said to limit what Parliament can do in a situation in which there are those who are prepared to openly defy the law on the streets , with strikes , and with the gun .
16 Again I I showed all due diligence I could do in the situation .
17 She submits , not because she is threatened with or fears immediate violence , but because she feels helpless to resist in a situation in which he is all-powerful and she is powerless .
18 It did not simply result in a situation in which the Liberals won 2.2 per cent of the Commons seats in return for 19.3 per cent of the national vote since Labour also sneaked into office with only 37.1 per cent of the votes cast — less than the Conservative total .
19 I know some folk wo n't change for anybody they just go harping on in their dialect and er well this fellow said some visitors just do n't understand him I always find myself translating in a situation like that .
20 The effect of the maxim is to add to most utterances a pragmatic inference to the effect that the statement presented is the strongest , or most informative , that can be made in the situation ; in many cases the implicatures can be glossed by adding only to the propositional content of the sentence , e.g. " Nigel has only fourteen children " , " the flag is only white " , " Harry only got a fine " .
21 ‘ Shut the window , please ’ is said in a situation where the speaker rather expects the hearer to act so as to fulfil a certain sort of wish of his , if he indicates that he has it by an imperative sentence .
22 If it is said in a situation of trouble or danger at sea or at war it can be received , even by people who are not religious , as " Perhaps there is something in it .
23 A rating of 1 would mean that you feel there is no possible way in which an accident could occur in the situation , a rating of 7 would mean that you feel that you could be involved in an accident at any moment . ’
24 Speed Rating : ‘ How fast do you feel the driver is going in the situation ?
25 Thank you , yes they should be but stand up and I 'm only trying to help in the situation .
26 When there is no longer the contrast of a busy working day outside , coming back to an empty home can be less attractive , as shown in the situation described below .
27 But it does n't always work out easily , as shown in the situation outlined below .
28 Developing separate interests is certainly a way to keep the balance in a partnership , as shown in the situation of Donald and Pat , outlined below .
29 Play materials should be used in a situation where there is good lighting directed on to the toys and objects being used .
30 A form of rich picture was drawn up following the initial investigations , but it was used mainly as a summary of the structures , staffing levels and other essentially static factors that existed in the situation , and not as the basis for selecting a relevant system .
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