Example sentences of "[verb] a considerable time " in BNC.

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1 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
2 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
3 Today , several men would spend a considerable time erecting steel scaffolding before such a job would be attempted .
4 Delivery times for most items were generally satisfactory , but there appears to be a possibility that readers consulting early or rare books in the South Reading Room have to wait a considerable time for items ordered over the lunchtime period .
5 Wood will , however , eventually become waterlogged and sink though , like seasoning , this takes a considerable time .
6 Just over 70% spent a considerable time each week on stock work — most of the time spent checking , feeding and moving stock .
7 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
8 Alejandro was so staggered by Fantasma 's progress that he decided to waive his prejudice against greys ; not so much that he was prepared to get on her back , but he spent a considerable time wondering how he could flog Fantasma to a rich patron without them finding out how vicious and unmanageable the mare could be when she was away from Luke .
9 The Hon. Member for Cunninghame , North spent a considerable time addressing amendment No. 5 , which would prevent any of the privatised bus companies from disposing of fixed assets within five years without the consent of the Secretary of State .
10 He has therefore used local newspaper cuttings as well photographs and spent a considerable time talking to some of the senior members of the club to produce the book .
11 Mr Stitt added that it was crazy to move the SAR flight away from the RAF Leuchars mountain rescue team , with which the crews spent a considerable time training .
12 The last recommendation was seized upon by critics who calculate that storing the most frequently-used books high up in the four towers will create a considerable time delay in transporting them down to the reading areas .
13 Many conditions have to be fulfilled and eligibility established , which can take a considerable time ; so if you can improve the living conditions of your elderly parent yourself , without undue hardship , you would be well advised to do so .
14 It is important that you negotiate with a man you trust as he has to agree to practise safer sex from test to pregnancy — which may take a considerable time .
15 In case the reader should think that this small book is about to offer the solution to this problem , let it be stated immediately that a complete integration of all these different disciplinary approaches to the investment decision will probably take a considerable time and much research effort by a range of researchers .
16 Since this may take a considerable time , speakers typically begin to speak before they have completed all the necessary planning for a particular speech cycle .
17 As it can take a considerable time to effect the transfer of overseas funds to the University accounts , you are strongly advised to make arrangements well in advance .
18 Simon Pepper of the WWF said : ‘ We have had to recognise that having spent a considerable time on this project and having devoted considerable resources by our organisations , it has not been possible to secure the overall package which we considered necessary for going ahead .
19 Both he and Amiss had spent a considerable time comforting Sunil , who had been throwing up on and off for over an hour .
20 The development of these skills is dependent on the young animal spending a considerable time in normal relationships with its own kind .
21 In Geurrero State this waiting period was apparently not too long but it appeared that in other areas delays and crowded court lists inevitably meant some people spending a considerable time in custody .
22 ‘ Even at these record levels of investment , it will mean a considerable time before the whole programme is completed , ’ said Transport Secretary John MacGregor .
23 A healthy rabbit can , if obliged , go a considerable time without food of any sort .
24 At the end of the observation period , it was extremely difficult to loosen these ties , which of course involved a considerable time commitment .
25 As they involved a great deal of the same work to bring them into effect — work that would have taken a considerable time — and would have imposed further contingent or actual liabilities on funds at a time when there was already considerable anxiety because of the uncertainty over the Barber judgment —
26 Procedure in the High Court remains complex and cases take a considerable time to come to trial .
27 Allowed to remain in the cool waters of the pool , they take a considerable time to reappear and fulfil their role , and often fall prey to browsing water snails .
28 In Britain , waiting times for being seen in an outpatient clinic , followed by those for surgery , ensure that most children have waited a considerable time before grommet insertion , adenoidectomy , or a combination can be performed .
29 In the Introduction to the Principles , Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas .
30 Collection can involve a considerable time delay especially if exchange control regulations have to be satisfied .
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