Example sentences of "[verb] a [adj] return " in BNC.

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1 Tony Foreman , a tax partner in Pannell Kerr Forster , said the BES assured tenancy schemes with non-recourse loans provided a good return for top rate taxpayers ; their 60p in the pound net outlay after tax relief was turned into 72p in as little as six months by a loan .
2 In short , they provide a poor return to Japan 's increasingly international companies .
3 As the interest was a lesser figure per £100 block than the £3 0s. 0d. subscription , it encouraged Bondholders to accept membership as representing a better return and certainty .
4 In these cases the rental income is often divided between the landlord and the tenant in slices , each slice representing a particular return on investment by landlord and tenant respectively .
5 The criteria for doing so will be specific to the company but will always include a minimum return on investment in addition to non-financial criteria .
6 The criteria for doing so will be specific to the company but will always include a minimum return on investment in addition to non-financial criteria .
7 Such a policy of extensification would avoid food mountains and ensure that our land was properly looked after by farmers who want to work and who expect a reasonable return for their efforts .
8 Just as investors expect a high return for their capital , we should expect working people to receive a fair return for their labour .
9 The UK government , following the example of the French and Italians , instituted measures to strengthen the ability of local producers to secure a reasonable return from the domestic box office , and filmmakers developed undemanding forms of cinema , mainly comedies and war films , that would reliably appeal to native audiences .
10 The result was that producers wishing to secure a reasonable return from the British market had to persuade either the Rank or the ABPC booker to take their film .
11 Given basic ability , equality of opportunity to borrow at the market rate of interest to invest in your human capital so as to secure a future return makes observed income inequality a matter of individual choice .
12 For since , just as in any conventionally organised manufacturing enterprise , capital employed labour , its first priority naturally and necessarily was to secure a sufficient return for the investors on their investment .
13 While Conservatives have proposed the Council Tax as an alternative to the poll tax , Labour want a temporary return to the rates .
14 Our masters want a swift return to the feudal system , but they ca n't think how to go about it , so they 're copying American methods of law enforcement because it 's modern , and if it 's modern , it ca n't be bad .
15 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
16 Mr Smith has pinpointed the area from which he wants a better return .
17 On the other hand if the investor has spotted an underpriced asset with the same factor loadings as the above portfolio , the portfolio may be short sold and the revenue invested in the underpriced asset to obtain a risk-free return without the investor having to use his own capital .
18 One of the more unprofessional results of the plague was that some priests latched on to the idea of leaving the parochial ministry and becoming chantry priests — often , in the process , gaining a lucrative return for very little work .
19 If two assets have the same risk but one of them has a lower return than the other , then it is sold and the proceeds are invested in the other .
20 When we start to take responsibility for our thoughts and begin to see that every negative thought has a negative return , we realise we can use life like a beautiful game .
21 Transport cost so much that it was virtually impossible to make a profit by importing anything that could be produced locally ; although salt cod was brought across the Atlantic , in general nothing but luxury goods like gold , silver , furs , and spices would yield a reasonable return after paying for a costly ocean voyage .
22 The recognition of expenditure incurred in areas such as product and market development , especially where this expenditure does not yield a positive return by the end of the accounting period .
23 Indeed he now questioned if the United States itself had earned an adequate return from its investment in the special relationship .
24 ( c ) Send an annual return to the Inland Revenue immediately after 5 April each year , listing all the uncertified subcontractors and the total amount deducted .
25 First , both theories suggest an eventual return of homosexuality : in the one ( psychoanalytic ) it is a psychic return of the repressed from within , in the other ( materialist ) a social or cultural return from without ; either an inner resurgence of desire through the breakdown of psychic repression , or the oppositional approach via the proximate of the demonized other from beyond , from the social margins where he or she has been discovered , constructed , displaced .
26 The 1987 White Paper said that public sector landlords ‘ should seek an adequate return on investment ’ .
27 Instant access to your savings in unlikely to be your prime concern , but you will be looking to obtain an attractive return on your money over the longer term .
28 More generally , by raising the standard of health of the community , especially among children , such services would yield an economic return outweighing their cost . ’
29 At the present , with a judicial interest rate of 15% , it seems possible to argue that unless the funds retained in the hands of the insurer can achieve a better return , the value of the claim is best restricted by meeting some portion of , if not the whole of past loss , particularly past loss of earnings .
30 They generally do not expect a short-term return .
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