Example sentences of "[verb] be a matter " in BNC.

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1 In fact the extent to which this happens , and to which aid itself directly finances consumption , for instance paying the salaries of local staff , has been a matter of controversy among economists .
2 The whole question of the ideal size for a public library authority has been a matter of some controversy in Britain since the publication of the McColvin report in 1943 .
3 So what you 're saying is that Cabinet government in the eighties has been a matter of trench warfare with exchanges conducted in the shape of mortar fire .
4 The nature of that development , however , has been a matter of some dispute .
5 The extent to which such an understanding is justified has been a matter of some debate , not only at the local level , but in terms of national politics , and even politics within the EC .
6 The incorporation of the Convention into the domestic law of the United Kingdom has been a matter of debate for some years now and is probably not far off .
7 For the rest of us , it has been a matter of being lucky enough to live near a decent State school .
8 Alas , they were not safe , and what happened to them has been a matter of considerable argument .
9 Whether to reclaim or reject this term has been a matter of some debate in Black communities . )
10 For them this has been a matter of necessity .
11 The question of the appropriateness of nursery curricula in particular and other pre-school opportunities in general has been a matter for debate for a number of years ( Tizard 1974 ) .
12 Alan butcher 's calf injury has been a matter of growing concern .
13 It has been a matter of controversy whether the non-associative kinds of learning are really learning at all , and if so , whether they do not really take place by the same general mechanisms as associative learning .
14 Third , it has been a matter of concern to the DES that an authority could promote advanced courses secure in the knowledge that , once in operation , the major proportion of the cost would be chargeable against the pool .
15 The degree of overseas investment has been a matter for continuous criticism from the left of British politics with occasional suggestions that a future Labour government should take steps to penalise companies with ‘ excessive ’ overseas investments .
16 In Marxist thought and practice this relation is posed as one between class and party , and it has been a matter of controversy since the end of the nineteenth century , expressed in the most diverse forms , extending from Michels ' reflections upon the ‘ iron law of oligarchy ’ to Lenin 's conception of the Bolshevik Party , theoretically elaborated by Lukács .
17 Recognition has been a matter of timing and judgment — a phrase that I have often used before .
18 I know that my hon. Friend is aware that the waiting list for treatment of coronary disease has been a matter of concern in Northern Ireland .
19 SIR , — Gender verification of Olympic athletes has been a matter for discussion since the first analyses were done in Mexico in 1968 .
20 It has been a matter of debate because there are those in the council who feel that if you put in a contingency provision it will be spent whether it 's needed or not .
21 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
22 Society too , of course , changes ( and helps to change us ) , but whether it develops and matures is a matter for another debate .
23 Just how much Mr Gorbachev 's armtwisting mattered is a matter of conjecture .
24 Those negotiations are a matter for the liquidator and shareholders , and the question of what the court should do is a matter for the court and the parties before it , not the Government .
25 The manner in which the point of law is to be decided is a matter for agreement between the parties and the expert .
26 Whether or not a retention is made is a matter of negotiation .
27 The President of United Motors — who was in London at that moment — had also declined to comment on a local issue which , he had said was a matter for local management .
28 Another example is the Social Charter , which we are told is a matter for European Community control because of its potential effects on the competitiveness of business .
29 Generalizing is a matter of saying what else things identified by the same concept have in common , not as a matter of logic but as a matter of fact .
30 Occasionally , Galileo described actual experiments , for instance , experiments involving the rolling of spheres down inclined planes , although just how many of these Galileo actually performed is a matter of some dispute .
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