Example sentences of "[verb] [been] placed on " in BNC.

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1 RENEWED pressure has been placed on the Government to lengthen the summer season by bringing Britain up to European standards for public holidays .
2 Particular emphasis has been placed on women 's health .
3 BIRMINGHAM 'S infamous and exhausted retail hub , the Bull Ring , just 25 years old , has been placed on architecture 's death row .
4 Instead emphasis has been placed on monitoring temporal and spatial changes in tree health .
5 But how far have the changes in child care law embodied in the Children Act 1989 , with its focus on the paramountcy of the child 's welfare ( as a means to the child 's better protection ) , and the increasing emphasis which has been placed on parental responsibility rather than rights by the courts in recent years , been mirrored by changes in the balance of power between parent , child and state in education ?
6 Recently , emphasis has been placed on electrode surface modification with lipids , polymeric films with functional groups and attachment of various dielectrics to help to discriminate between solute molecules .
7 An ivory ban was supported by the EEC , the USA , Japan and Hong Kong midway through 1989 and now the African elephant has been placed on the CITES Appendix 1 list .
8 Particular emphasis has been placed on women 's health .
9 In recent years , a great deal of emphasis has been placed on technological progress as a cause of structural unemployment .
10 A special classification has been placed on it and access forbidden to anyone except the Chief Constable and a small number of his most senior officers .
11 Particular emphasis has been placed on the examination of the relationship between the static elastic moduli measured on laboratory samples and the dynamic moduli derived from borehole geophysical logs .
12 This led to the need to bring together the different datasets using systems that can be established in the developing countries in which the information is required , and emphasis has been placed on putting together a portable package of processing , interpretation and display facilities .
13 Although in trying to arrive at a definition of schizophrenia much emphasis has been placed on the disturbances that are found in cognitive functioning ( perception , thinking , and attention ) , abnormal emotional response is almost universal .
14 Their first ice-wall , a giant ice-cube , has been placed on the campus on the Saint-Martin-d'Héres university .
15 Parker , signed from Nottingham Forest nearly 12 months ago , has been placed on stand-by for England 's qualifying clash against Norway at Wembley .
16 In the US great emphasis has been placed on rooting out aggressive instincts from those used for show stock , but this lead has not been followed so staunchly elsewhere .
17 Rhino numbers are so reduced that a ban has been placed on hunting them .
18 Cope reckons that the album of B-sides will emerge one day but , with a ‘ Best Of … ’ currently on sale , the idea has been placed on the back-burner indefinitely .
19 In particular , emphasis has been placed on the position of women teachers in secondary schools — their status , the processes involved in their appointment and the implications of feminism and a gender perspective being brought to bear upon teachers ' work with pupils .
20 Excessive emphasis has been placed on the ‘ spectrin repeats ’ of dystrophin as the repeats are much more variable than those of spectrin , which suggests that their structure may differ .
21 To date this has been placed on involving them in acute services where the current bulk of expenditure is for district health authority purchasers .
22 In the case of isolated molecules , ions and clusters , must emphasis has been placed on the investigation of unimolecular photodissociation and photoionization .
23 The corollary of this is the increasing emphasis that has been placed on urban policies , such as Inner-City Partnerships and Enterprise Zones .
24 Ehrlichman and Weinberger criticise the emphasis that has been placed on the first eye movements occurring after a question has been asked and the consequent ignoring of movements which occur prior to or during presentation of a particular item .
25 Emphasis has been placed on increasing income inequalities as a means of boosting incentives for more work effort on an individual and corporate level .
26 A second theme has been a particular criticism of the Treasury and of its economic policies ; in particular that too much emphasis has been placed on the balance of payments or prevention of inflation , while the need for economic growth was neglected .
27 Whilst in the past some reliance has been placed on low melting point plastics and the thermal shock effects on asbestos cement sheeting to provide a degree of ventilation , consequential to a fire , experience indicates that such faith can be misplaced .
28 Senior managers , on the other hand , mindful of the resource implications of the assessment responsibility which has been placed on their departments , may be looking for systems which will contain within manageable resource limits the potentially very high assessment workload for their staff .
29 A particular emphasis has been placed on drivers by way of the national ‘ Speedwatch ’ campaign and further campaigns will deal with the wearing of seat belts and drinking and driving .
30 A copy of the Control Panel window has been placed on the Clipboard using the ALT+Print Screen key combination .
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