Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] control of " in BNC.

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1 LAWS to tighten up control of strays take effect this week but anyone who expects to see the streets cleared of roaming dogs will be disappointed .
2 The approved scheme will give up control of our only major asset — 66 Portland Place .
3 According to Soviet sources , however , the US side had softened its previous position that Najibullah would have to be removed from power before elections could be held , and was now considering a compromise under which he would remain President but would give up control of the military , the security police and the media to non-partisan bodies .
4 Eritrea 's struggle for its independence from Ethiopia has gone on , first against Haile Selassie and then against the Soviet-backed Mengistu regime , since 1952 , when the UN feebly handed over control of its Trust Territory to Addis Ababa .
5 The United States officially handed over control of the relief operation in Somalia to the United Nations .
6 As the FA handed over control of this aspect of the game to the League , it was not likely that club chairmen would encourage investigations that might damage themselves .
7 It ticks off a litany of mistakes from its dependence on mainframes through to the conscious suppression of RISC technology and the grotesque series of blunders by which it handed over control of PCs to Intel and Microsoft .
8 He was among the politically active officers of 1647–9 , serving on the small standing committee to which Sir Thomas Fairfax ( later third Baron Fairfax of Cameron , q.v. ) handed over control of issuing all commissions , and acting as a spokesman for the high command in their successive dealings with the Parliament , the king , and the radicals in the army itself ( the Agitators and their Leveller allies ) .
9 On Dec. 6 Ershad was forced to relinquish power and handed over control of the government to Chief Justice Shehabuddin Ahmed who had been nominated as Acting President by the main opposition alliances .
10 The Governor has effectively given up control of the Bermudian police to the local government , though he still retains the right to be consulted .
11 Only when the shipper parts with his original is he deemed to have given up control of the goods .
12 The air force general leading the mutineers refused to give up control of the base even as the seige of Makati ended .
13 The air force general leading the mutineers refused to give up control of the base even as the seige of Makati ended .
14 Serbia also took over control of radio and television centres in the capitals of Kosovo ( Pristina ) and Vojvodina ( Novi Sad ) .
15 Pétain himself virtually took over control of the artillery , asking his commanders each morning : ‘ What have your batteries been doing ?
16 As for Europe , the Liberal Democrats explicitly espouse a federal system and the consequent eclipse of the British nation , while Labour is committed to handing over control of our currency to the EC .
17 Reuter retired in 1878 , handing over control of the agency to his son Herbert .
18 In the upshot , nothing happened for more than two years , a fate common , it would seem , to reports on aspects of further education , until July 1976 when , in response to a parliamentary question , the then Minister of State for Education and Science , Mr Gerald Fowler , announced that the DES would reject the Gann proposal for an autonomous validating body , in favour of handing over control of non-advanced vocational art and design courses to TEC and BEC .
19 In what was interpreted by the CIA and the Department of State as a post-missile crisis concession , the Soviet Union agreed to turn over control of all weapons systems within Cuba ( including surface-to-air installations which could be used to shoot down US overflights ) .
20 In 1922 , when the original Stoves was still a fledgeling company , Baron Philippe de Rothschild also began to make his mark by taking over control of Château Mouton Rothschild .
21 He wrote on art and architecture in collaboration with John Betjeman , taking over control of the Shell Guides to Britain from the poet .
22 He thrust his hands deep into his pockets , hunching his shoulders as he continued , ‘ I met her at the party I threw to celebrate taking over control of the company .
23 In the dispute with the Supreme Soviet , each side accused the other of taking over control of the paper in violation of the June 1990 USSR law on press freedom [ see p. 37541 ] .
24 According to the report local militias dominated by Uzbek , Tajik and Shia Ismaeli ethnic groups had formed an alliance with local mujaheddin units ( including fighters commanded by Ahmed Shah Masud ) in late March , and together they had taken over control of the city from Pashtun units .
25 There are several instances where immigrant minorities have eventually taken over control of the host community either in whole or in part , Palestine and India being two examples in this century .
26 Open account : Under this payment method the exporter gives up control of the goods to the importer and receives debt settlement at a later date under the contract 's terms .
27 This would allow children to take over control of a task , and allow teachers time to work intensively with individuals and groups .
28 Although the offer was not completely rejected by the Palestinian side , they made it clear that it fell short of Palestinian aspirations for a legislative council to take over control of the occupied territories from Israel [ see p. 38837 for Palestinian self-government proposal tabled at the fourth round of talks ] .
29 Defence Minister Ali Hasan al-Majid had called for mass mobilization on Sept. 1 " to foil enemy schemes " , and there were unconfirmed reports that Majid had established headquarters in Basra after being ordered by Saddam to take over control of all military operations against Shia rebels in the south .
30 ‘ If we had really wanted to take over control of local government we could have done it years ago , ’ he said .
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