Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] the lights " in BNC.

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1 Even if a permanent garden circuit is contemplated , it makes sense to try out the lights on a temporary basis to find the best positions to fix your power points .
2 Tidy the desk , flick off the lights , and leave the building .
3 Doc Threadneedle slowly turned up the lights .
4 It was 17 days since he had last locked the door of his office , turned down the lights , and unscrewed the cap of his walking stick , and heard Dr Tariq and Professor Khan discuss a series of meetings in Europe .
5 Two mixes of ‘ House Of Usher ’ finish off the EP , and you 're left fearful of turning out the lights at night .
6 Even though the defendant does not regard the nature of his own conduct as being disorderly , he has a sufficient mens rea to satisfy the section by being aware that he is using offensive language , or kicking over dustbins or turning out the lights in the cinema , or whatever else may be alleged to constitute the disorderly behaviour .
7 We turned out the lights and opened the shutters and the windows .
8 Then they turned out the lights , the great brass chandelier with its false candles , and the moon 's lemony radiance lay as still as cloths draped over the shining wood .
9 Richard , whom they had left counting to a hundred by the mains switch in the hall , turned out the lights .
10 ‘ And I could n't see , so we could n't do any more the things we used to — just little things , like watching the sunset , or laughing at a holopic when we turned out the lights in bed , or me reading a poem to her .
11 He let me go up and made me sit on the divan and he put on some music and turned out the lights and the moon came through the window .
12 ‘ They turned out the lights , which would slow the snake down , so they could pick it up without it biting , and they shut the sliding doors behind them . ’
13 Switching off the lights at 11 p.m. would deny many of them their private study-time .
14 Huckerby , a worried-looking , balding man , had a responsible position which basically involved overseeing editorial expenditure and running the paper day to day , but was best known for fussing round the office collecting old coffee cups and switching off the lights last thing at night .
15 In another sexual adventure , Is My Palm Read ? , a palm-reader turns out the lights on her so that he can leer through her see-through skirt and blouse .
16 She switched on the lights , dumped her bag on the table and turned to him abruptly .
17 ‘ Any particular section ? ’ asked Hayman as he switched on the lights .
18 Eloise switched on the lights .
19 He switched on the lights and drove down the tank paths towards the front gate .
20 The security man swung open the door to the boardroom where the party had taken place and switched on the lights , revealing the room as Blanche and Dexter had last seen it the day after the killing .
21 Josie switched on the lights for the department 's makeup mirror , and Lucy winced as the brightness hit her .
22 Indoors , she flicked the rain from her hair and switched on the lights .
23 Michael Holly was back inside Hut 2 a clear hour before the trustie slammed shut the hut 's door , switched off the lights .
24 He switched off the lights and opened the curtains ; the night was still as black as a stone .
25 She retreated to one of the dressing rooms across the corridor , switched off the lights , and set the door to give her an angle of view without much risk of being seen .
26 I switched off the lights and Seddon hurriedly drew back the curtains .
27 She picked up her bag , switched off the lights and locked the door behind her .
28 He switched off the lights and went out .
29 Shelley switched off the lights , and locked the medical room .
30 The simplest method is to switch off the lights and to lighten the shadow areas by reflecting some of the daylight back onto the subject .
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