Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 But even so there is a limit to the number of owls that can be packed into an area ; each pair probably insists on at least 20 hectares .
2 This led to the usual talk of dismissing coach Luis Gradin , the man in charge throughout this period of successive defeats , but he will stay on at least until the end of the year when the present Argentine RU committee changes .
3 Such schemes were an attempt to accommodate the desire of many older people to continue in at least part-time work and to find new ways of continuing the older tradition of gradual transition from full-time work to full retirement .
4 It is established that gastrin circulates in at least four bioactive forms , component I , gastrin ( G ) 34 , G17 , and G14 .
5 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
6 He was to sit in at least thirteen further Parliaments , six times for Guildford and five times for Surrey .
7 You 've got to agree in at least
8 Doctors from ethnic minorities predominate in at least two of our chosen specialties ( psychiatry and geriatric medicine ) — reflecting these specialties ' comparative unpopularity — and the proportion of such doctors is much greater in district general hospitals than in teaching hospitals .
9 An easement can come into existence by express grant or by contract , but it can also arise in at least three other ways .
10 Criticism of the empress has developed along at least three different lines .
11 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
12 A number of smaller PC makers have been forced to pass on at least some of that increase to their customers .
13 To my knowledge I know that it 's happening in at least half a dozen mines .
14 Thus , a cell resulting from the fusion of cells R and M is referred to as cell R + M. The advantage of this relatively simple system of nomenclature is evident in the so-called discal cell , a term used in at least four separate orders of insects with reference to a different cell in each case .
15 Unfortunately , relapse occurred in at least half of the responders after treatment was discontinued .
16 Recipes for this " black tart stuff " as it was called appear in at least two cookery books of the second half of the seventeenth century .
17 In the 118 cases mentioned in at least one national newspaper ( 70 were in only local papers ) , there were only 19 cases ( 16 per cent ) where the coverage of the incident lasted more than one day , and only 8 where this lasted several days .
18 His fame , however , rests on his A Complete and Universal English Dictionary , first published in 1774 ; it was to pass through at least twenty-three reprints and editions by 1848 .
19 The density of TNF α+; cells within lamina propria and submucosa was determined with a point counting technique , using a Lennox graticule over at least five randomly chosen high power fields within each region and counting as positive graticule points overlying positively stained cells .
20 He has used a fast government car to shake off at least one photographer , but there is a more prosaic explanation for Mr Lamont 's perambulations around Blackpool — his civil servants could not get through the security around the Imperial .
21 the farmers will hope it holds off at least for the next few weeks .
22 A pisteur outdid them on his day off by skiing the top section of the mountain nonstop all day and notching up at least 130,000 vertical .
23 Behind the empty and desolate bar , stood the solitary figure of Tim , the barman , calmly tearing up at least half-a-dozen pages of unpaid drinks in the name of Denis O'Neil .
24 If the origin of life were a probable event by ordinary human standards , then a substantial number of planets within radio range should have developed a radio technology long enough ago ( bearing in mind that radio waves travel at 186,000 miles per second ) for us to have picked up at least one transmission during the decades that we have been equipped to do so .
25 Nevertheless , efforts were made to persuade Israel to accept back at least some of the refugees .
26 The BBC had edited out at least one police atrocity .
27 Oh erm they erm they did a lot of the work that were Well they helped out at least , they they used to make wearing plates for the mills and that for the chutes and that .
28 A Nigerian group , the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights ( CDHR ) , claimed in a report published on April 18 that the security forces had routinely tortured suspects and had carried out at least 27 summary executions in 1991 .
29 The development of LTP appears to proceed through at least two ( possibly three ) phases , with a brief initiation period followed by a longer-term maintenance phase , which have been seen as analogous to the transitions between short- and long-term memory .
30 The immediate threat to the green form scheme was thus liked , with a question mark left hanging over at least aspects of it .
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