Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [art] necessary " in BNC.

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1 Wolsey 's clerks drew up the necessary letters of accreditation , warrants and bills for the exchequer .
2 Thereafter , re-modularisation can take place systematically , by booking out the necessary modules and reconstituting them into new modules as required .
3 Only recently , Indian organisations such as the Shuar Federation have persuaded the government to grant legal titles to communal Indian land holdings , and in some cases this has been possible only after foreign volunteers have carried out the necessary land surveys .
4 4.28 Incidents of violence in establishments must be recorded both within the establishment 's routine method of recording so that all staff can see what has taken place and also be filling in the necessary report forms .
5 Prior to running the software , the user should check that LIFESPAN is running with facilities made available , and should then invoke the LIFESPAN user access file to set up the necessary logical names ( see the ‘ Installation and Management of LIFESPAN ’ ) .
6 Check that the user access file used to set up the necessary logical name has been invoked .
7 Prior to running LIFESPAN PMR , the user should check that LIFESPAN is running with facilities made available , and should then invoke the LIFESPAN user access file to set up the necessary logical names ( see ‘ Installation and Management of LIFESPAN ’ ) .
8 Perhaps the producer hurried the film prematurely into production , or the director did n't carry out the necessary preparation .
9 If these enhancements and/or modifications are recognized to be universally applicable , will carry out the necessary work and will bear the cost of this .
10 If West Yorkshire can manage without a county council and manage well , and the West Yorkshire district councils can carry out the necessary functions , why does Derbyshire have to be encumbered with a county council ?
11 In an attempt to tap a potentially huge , but difficult to get at market , the two companies will rent out the necessary kit in packages starting from £90 a month .
12 It also needs long periods of ecological stability during which evolutionary epochs can bring about the necessary organic synthesis .
13 Co-location of staffs would help to break down barriers between the Services , and the development of tri-Service staffs at lower levels would also build up the necessary expertise .
14 A young , green horse will be weak but if worked correctly will gradually build up the necessary muscle to enable him to perform the required movements .
15 For adults over the age of 18 the electoral roll is the normal sample frame , but even this is far from perfect since it is compiled only once each year and many people fail to fill in the necessary forms while others may change address shortly after registering .
16 One case which may cause problems is where the doctor 's facilitation takes the form of switching off a necessary mechanical aid , such as a ventilator or an artificial kidney machine .
17 Governments which have acted in the name of free enterprise would be most unlikely to put up the necessary funds themselves .
18 Draw up the necessary papers .
19 A special constitutional commission was set up , presided over by Ramiz Alia , to draw up the necessary amendments to be placed before the next session of parliament .
20 The long period of housing the stock meant that the farmer was able to carry out the necessary work in the mornings and evenings .
21 Severely ill people can experience exhaustion and they simply do not have the energy to carry out the necessary preventive activities ; they are dependent on nurses and others for maintaining a safe environment .
22 Mr. Christie presented several sets of rules for Flower Shows and the meeting appointed a committee of eight members to carry out the necessary arrangements .
23 Stand-by or supply teachers are needed if community language teachers are to be released to carry out the necessary development work .
24 Employing the services of a professional to carry out the necessary legalities is imperative .
25 This , implicitly at least , demands the use of major computer systems , otherwise it would not be possible easily to carry out the necessary regular checks as to whether the various procedures have been undertaken within the prescribed time period .
26 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
27 Where the adjuster feels there is likely to be a valid subsidence claim he should appoint a Consulting Engineer promptly to carry out the necessary investigations .
28 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
29 Is the Minister satisfied that the present staffing levels are sufficient to carry out the necessary pre-emptive intelligence work ?
30 He told the King that he would prefer MacDonald to remain in office in order to carry out the necessary programme of economies ; but that if he failed to carry enough of his colleagues with him , then the best alternative would be for MacDonald to head a National Government containing members of all three parties .
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