Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] decision " in BNC.

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1 The German athletics federation ( DLV ) panel , which is expected to announce its decision by the end of the month , has put a great deal of emphasis on the findings of the reports .
2 The ministry said yesterday that an urgent review of the fungicides ’ safety was in progress and ministers were expected to announce their decision early in the new year .
3 In a statement on April 22 designed to convince a visiting fact-finding mission from the Organization of American States ( OAS ) [ see below ] of his democratic intent , he promised to submit his decision to a plebiscite on July 5 , and pledged that proposed constitutional reforms would also be subjected to the popular vote on Aug. 31 .
4 The views and wishes of private individuals , however comprehensible , can not be permitted to influence whatever decision may eventually be arrived at . ’
5 If the whole group has to make its decision through verbal discussion it is often better to first present the issue or problem to small groups , then ask each to report back to the whole group .
6 Asserting this , however , as cold legal doctrine may well fail to convince the doctor who has to make his decision in the real world and must weigh all the arguments advanced above .
7 Company executives are expected to make their decision known by the end of the week .
8 Midland is a member of the Ombudsman scheme and we have agreed to accept his decision , although you still have the right to take legal action if you wish to do so .
9 They were as follows : ( 1 ) there is a dispute or a difference between the parties which has been formulated in some way or other ( see 15.5 ) ; ( 2 ) the dispute or difference has been remitted by the parties to the person to resolve in such a manner that he is called on to exercise a judicial function ( see 15.6 ) ; ( 3 ) where appropriate , the parties must have been provided with an opportunity to present evidence and/or submissions in support of their respective claims in the dispute ( see 15.7 ) ; and ( 4 ) the parties have agreed to accept his decision ( see 15.8 ) .
10 From the very beginning policymakers must make clear the principles which are going to inform their decision making .
11 However , it was persuaded to change its decision , although Carnogursky himself preferred to participate in the new Slovak government [ see below ] rather than federal level .
12 He will hear evidence and submissions from each party ( although these may be written rather than oral ) and is bound to make his decision solely on the evidence presented to him .
13 The few conciliar fathers who had finally gathered refused to accept his decision .
14 No real thought seems to have been bestowed on the important principle involved either by Day J. , who … appears to found his decision simply on the above dictum of Pollock C.B. , which happens to mention corruption , as one of the inapposite illustrations of an unsound proposition , or by Lawrance J. , who contents himself with a bare expression of concurrence .
15 Spending chiefs decided to delay their decision until then , although they did discuss more council spending as well as less .
16 Quite a number confessed that they had never asked themselves that question and were fascinated by having to analyse their decision to farm .
17 If a school intends to operate a form of option system allowing pupils to drop history at Key Stage 4 or to opt for the short course or continue with the full course , pupils and parents will presumably wish to base their decision on performance to date .
18 Baker undertook to review his decision .
19 A policy statement not only clarifies the library 's position on censorship , but recognizes that controversial material exists , that it may be selected or rejected , and that the library may have to defend its decision .
20 Meanwhile , Sir Lewis does not intend to rush his decision on the future of the Country Court concept , currently on ice with only six of a planned 20 hotels off the starting blocks .
21 So they would immediately have turned to the second , legislative stage : they would have tried to discover which decision was more sensible or just or democratic or would otherwise better serve the community .
22 The agency was forced to reverse its decision under legal pressure from the steel industry , largely because the NAAQSs for suspended particulates did not make a distinction between particulate sizes , even though smaller particles are known to be more harmful .
23 In one particular case the Education Committee neglected this way of life argument and only argued the closure on financial grounds ( against Regional policy ) but they were forced to reverse their decision when the matter was taken up by the local MP .
24 Finally , the revenue has contended that the proper procedure was for Woolwich to seek to challenge its decision not to pay interest by way of judicial review , although it would of course contend that no order should be made on such a review in the present case .
25 There will be some who may initially enjoy the appearance of their name in national and local newspapers , though even they , initially unused to the implications of media publicity , may come to regret their decision .
26 ( 7 ) Proceedings relating to matters mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) above , including voting in connection therewith , shall be held in public , but a licensing board may retire to consider its decision in any such matter and the clerk of the board shall accompany the board when it so retires unless the board otherwise directs .
27 The government has already gone into court arguing that it is justified in not publishing the report — the case goes to the law lords on April 10th — and does not want to anticipate their decision .
28 However , this was not argued before us , and I prefer to base my decision on the section 222 point by affirming the judge 's first ground as mentioned above .
29 Well , the last time he was in , he actually went to a group of people who were determined to make their decision , were determined what their decision was .
30 This time Mrs Ireland had to make her decision alone and that was horrendously difficult to do , especially as it involved deciding about the future care of her husband .
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