Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] demands for " in BNC.

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1 University students were particularly angered by the government 's refusal to meet their demands for a minimum monthly grant in line with the country 's average wage .
2 The rally , scheduled to take place on Aug. 30 , had been organized by church leaders from several denominations to support their demands for greater political freedom and a national referendum on political reform .
3 Russia in turn dropped its demands for compensation for its investments in military bases .
4 Eight detainees at Oukacha prison in Casablanca , on hunger strike since Nov. 26 , were on Dec. 25 granted their demands for political prisoner status , the right to family visits and the right to read newspapers ; their families had been fasting in support at the offices of the Moroccan Union of Labour .
5 Farmers in one of the most important regions are threatening a strike unless Mr Gorbachov meets their demands for higher prices .
6 Few could have met their demands for additional labour internally , and not because they were hampered by rigid job demarcation system or lacked a workforce with adaptable skills .
7 Mr Beggs said a number of Southern politicians support his demands for an inquiry and he hoped the issue would be raised when the Dail resumes again in October .
8 Yesterday , the Londonbased Irish Emigrants Voice campaign renewed its demands for Britain 's Irish community to be allowed to vote in the elections .
9 The English could not make that final spurt , establish dominance and impose their demands for the marriage .
10 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
11 Howard re-iterated his demands for the Nez Perce to settle at Lapwai , but said that they would be given hunting and fishing passes for the Imnaha valley .
12 After Mr Yeltsin softened his stance , Mr Khasbulatov , who also made a nationwide television address , yesterday withdrew his demands for impeachment , but not until the supreme soviet had voted to convene the congress today .
13 He could have quit last Wednesday when the party 's national executive rejected by a 21-3 vote his demands for a referendum and a rethink on the Maastricht treaty .
14 The JKNLF and several other militant groups have stepped up their campaigns of civil unrest , strikes , and outright terrorism , to press their demands for a free Kashmir or union with Pakistan .
15 The intention of the environmentalists who had campaigned for the referendums was to make it necessary for parliament to pass new legislation , since this would give them the opportunity to press their demands for much stricter controls .
16 The students also decided to continue their strike to press their demands for prosecution of former communist leaders responsible for Bulgaria 's economic crisis , and for nationalization of BSP assets .
17 In a society where the uniqueness of Japan 's past weighs heavily , employers are able to justify their demands for personal loyalty and sacrifice in terms of longstanding cultural practices .
18 Similarly , the use of contractors is sometimes the only way in which certain organisations can meet their demands for key computing skills .
19 Paddy Ashdown used the phrase to justify his demands for electoral reform .
20 He loved the superb art of the Dutch Golden Age , but he wanted to master a different , rougher , Adamistic art , purposely naive , one that satisfied his demands for simplicity and truth and vindicated his distaste for luxury .
21 The president on Wednesday softened his demands for a ‘ special order ’ of rule after the constitutional court and 247-member supreme soviet standing parliament started the impeachment process .
22 The Group of 77 , as the developing countries called themselves , had already discovered the capacity of the opposing phalanx of rich , aid-giving industrialised countries either to stonewall their demands for more aid or for preferential trading arrangements , or to fob them off with empty , symbolic gestures .
23 In private settings where the field man needs some seemingly objective , unambiguous evidence to support his demands for remedial action , sample results are also useful , though most dischargers are prepared to accept the field man 's personal assessment of the nature of the pollution .
24 In return , the chairmen will want the PFA to drop their demands for 10 per cent of the TV revenue .
25 However , the increased productivity of labour may help many firms to cut costs , enabling them to reduce prices and to expand their levels of output , thereby increasing their demands for all factor inputs , including labour .
26 They have slightly relaxed their demands for absolute obedience to the rules and do not think they are demeaning themselves by giving reasons for their ‘ do 's ’ and ‘ don'ts ’ .
27 James Matthews , our reporter in Jordan says it appears the pro-Iranian group thought to be holding most of the hostages , Hezbalar is ready to end its demands for a prisoner exchange .
28 He seems to be making his demands for concessions from the industry on the basis that otherwise he will go for a ban .
29 This is why modern governments , which must satisfy the demands for fraternal egalitarianism of the sons ( and the daughters ) , must also satisfy their demands for paternalistic beneficence in the form of the modern welfare state .
30 For its part , the government has shelved its demands for entrenched veto rights for minorities and for indefinite power-sharing with whites .
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