Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] feelings for " in BNC.

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1 I had not recognized my feelings for one of the women in the women 's group as being of any significance .
2 The sun might be going down , but she had no need of its heat to stimulate her feelings for Fen Marshall .
3 It might not have prevented her feelings for him from developing as they had , but it would certainly not have caused a change in the atmosphere in this place , and he might have remained livable with .
4 ‘ But neither of us allows our feelings for the other to get in the way of all the things we have to do .
5 She had to convince herself that if she allowed her feelings for just one second to soar away untethered she 'd be doomed .
6 During his Welsh expedition , Coleridge had occasionally lapsed with self mocking enthusiasm into the prose style of the travel writers to express his feelings for mountains ‘ sublimely terrible ’ and other natural marvels .
7 We must keep our feelings for each other secret , because I have n't enough money to marry her yet .
8 He had understood her feelings for Andrew ; he could n't comprehend her reasons for marrying Lovat .
9 In 1894 she was in a position to build her own home at Munstead Wood and it was Lutyens , sharing her feelings for the Surrey vernacular and the arts and crafts lifestyle , who designed it for her .
10 ‘ But … but I love you ! ’ she cried , suddenly coming out of the trance in which she had been imprisoned , and desperately anxious that she should in some way communicate her feelings for him .
11 It brought her feelings for Alexander sharply into focus .
12 They have little or no sexual contact and only rarely do they express their feelings for each other .
13 They have little or no sexual contact and only rarely do they express their feelings for each other .
14 Labelling his feelings for him and brief sympathy was all that was required .
15 She was in love with a man who considered her to be lower than the lowest form of human life , yet even that was n't enough to change her feelings for him .
16 At the same time , Peachcake , if worries about the future are what 's been keeping him from showing his feelings for you and he 's as much in love with you as you appear to be with him , there 's to be no hasty wedding .
17 She 'd tried to change his feelings for her .
18 I was almost afraid to examine my feelings for him .
19 ‘ Silas must be given the opportunity to test his feelings for Doreen .
20 The fact was that both young women shared an unspoken anxiety for Fleury 's safety and though Louise had not yet confided her feelings for him to Miriam , she really did not need to do so for these feelings were plain enough already .
21 When in April 1949 Mary Trevelyan had written a letter in which she explained her feelings for him , and in fact suggested marriage , he explained in his reply that although he valued her friendship he was no longer capable of reciprocating such feelings for anyone .
22 It was Paul 's obsessive jealousy which had diseased and finally destroyed her feelings for him , even though it was an emotion she had never fully understood — until now .
23 Everyone knows his feelings for Rangers , And I would most readily do a swop for a number of our players — Gary Stevens , Trevor Steven , Alexi Mikhailechenko , Ally Maxwell , Chris Vinnicome .
24 He thought for a moment that if she would only accept his feelings for Carrie he would go to her this minute and put his arms about her and comfort her , but he knew she would never accept Carrie .
25 To experience the true power of prayer , we need to do away with the indifference and moral complacency that so readily chill our feelings for God .
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