Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] a previous " in BNC.

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1 She had n't mentioned that she 'd paid a previous visit to the house .
2 They are going to a planet celled Malecandra ( which turns out to be Mars ) and , having made a previous recce there , they are under the impression that the inhabitants are fierce and eat men .
3 Smaller companies or companies not having made a previous acquisition will often ask us to act as intermediaries .
4 In other words , having had a previous similar sensation is a logically necessary condition of my apprehending a sensation of white as such , on Mill 's version of the resemblance doctrine .
5 It would , I consider , be wrong to read it as requiring that in every case where a witness is shown to have made a previous statement inconsistent with his evidence at the trial , the jury should be directed that such evidence should be regarded as unreliable : see Driscoll v. The Queen ( 1977 ) 51 A.L.J.R. 731 , 740 , per Gibbs J. , with whom Barwick C.J. agreed , at p. 734 .
6 His last interview with a solicitor had been conducted in a language barely recognizable as English and it had taken over three hours and a reference to the Chief Constable to elicit the fact that the deceased had made a previous will in which the respective positions of his wife and his mistress had been exactly reversed .
7 Approximately a third of these patients had had a previous myocardial infarction .
8 Approximately one third of patients in both groups had had a previous myocardial infarction .
9 He gave the jury a list of Meehan 's past convictions , knowing that he was prevented by the rules of evidence from telling them that Waddell was at that moment serving a sentence in Barlinnie for wounding or that he had served a previous sentence for perjury at Meehan 's trial .
10 The agreement , reached after two years of negotiations , was made possible after the European Court of Justice ( the EC 's judicial body ) had changed a previous position and ruled--in a case brought by a Belgian village seeking to stop the dumping of Dutch waste-that waste was not a " commercial good " and could therefore by implication be exempted from the principle of free movement of goods enshrined in the European single market due to be introduced in 1993 .
11 They 'll want to speak to you and ask why you need an emergency supply and check that you have had a previous prescription for the same medicine .
12 In certain states of the United States , legislation has been introduced to extend the ambit of the marital rape exemption to cover , in some cases , men cohabiting with women , men who have had a previous sexual relationship with a woman , and even , in West Virginia , men who have been the ‘ voluntary social companions ’ of women , although their relationship has previously been non-sexual .
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