Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a specific " in BNC.

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1 Not painted for a specific location and comprising canvases of different dimensions , the frieze was a pool of images from which Munch made withdrawals for sale , replacing the pictures which he had plundered with new versions of the same composition .
2 A recent survey in West Surrey and North East Hampshire asked district nurses how many clients they had with ulcerated limbs ; the number of times they visited each patient ; and the types of treatment given for a specific month .
3 It is interesting that , as the opportunity to paint for a specific exhibition has offered itself , a freer and less tentative approach can be seen both in subject matter and technique .
4 It was something very rarely seen in Britain , or in other democracies : an emergency government — or , in Hoare 's words , ‘ an emergency Committee of public Safety ’ , formed for a specific purpose , and intended to last for a specific period of time .
5 A kitchen timer that rings to indicate to the child when they have managed to sit for a specific length of time can be linked to the reward chart .
6 When Mr Adley , along with Mr Gore-Booth and others , was asked to help restore relations with Syria last year , before the outbreak of war , he and the Foreign Office asked for a specific promise that Mrs Thatcher would not intervene again — and got it .
7 To involve people in Billy Graham Crusades we asked for a specific and limited commitment , something that people understood and could accept : a prayer meeting in their home once a week , for five weeks only ; giving a monthly gift to the Crusade , for six months only .
8 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
9 In this way , the dictionary , being a general-purpose source of knowledge designed for use by non-experts , is being used to contribute to the recognition of text that is both highly specific and intended for a specific audience only .
10 It is suggested that the use of general dictionaries may be insufficient to recognise text taken from more esoteric domains or documents that are intended for a specific audience .
11 A text can take on a very different character through the circumstances of its circulation : when it finds publication , who publishes it , and what were the terms of its publication — for example , in a cheap edition offering wide access or an expensive limited edition intended for a specific audience .
12 A multijunction cell , Solarex believes , should be more efficient as it uses layers of different crystals , each of which is optimised for a specific band of the visible light spectrum .
13 For the reasons specified above , the 50 schools sampled were asked to provide us both with their overall attendance rate and the numbers of pupils absent for a specific week in June and again for a specific week in November .
14 a system designed for a specific user and to work as an integrated unit .
15 This standard Planner is designed to give a general purpose catchment for each centre and is not designed for a specific retail sector .
16 The pedagogical grammar must not only be designed for a specific audience ; it must also teach materials that are culturally appropriate .
17 The make or buy decision approach described in Chapter 7 is an example of a structure designed for a specific purpose to ensure that a series of related questions are asked and answered in the same ordered sequence by everyone .
18 This was all designed for a specific purpose .
19 Even if the typical criminal sanction holds out little hope as a general deterrent , does it act as a specific deterrent ?
20 The researchers have looked for a specific decay of the proton , namely into a positron and a neutral pi-meson ( n ) .
21 As with the latency period , there is some difference of opinion as to whether adolescence can properly be considered as a specific life-state or whether it should be viewed as a largely cultural phenomenon of more " advanced " , or technological , civilisation .
22 Brig Cumming said a key element of the plan was to ‘ picket the people ’ in other words to set up communications lines so that all levels of the factions from top commanders down to local warlords and the actual troops manning barricades were aware of the nature of the convoys and when they were planned to pass through a specific area .
23 The difficulty with standard significance tests is that their valid and effective use usually depends on the way the data are approached — for example whether the research has been designed with a specific hypothesis in mind or a less focused post hoc analysis is being carried out with a view to revealing underlying patterns .
24 It was also planned that wherever possible these local workers should be employed to work with a specific elderly person , and thus to build up a relationship between the two .
25 The SPHINX system was designed round a specific resource management task .
26 In Some instances there may be a good many more than one , but here again the magazines will specialise in a specific area and a good deal of study is required to make sure that a particular magazine will be to use the material you are planning to send to it .
27 It 's easy to control , including the scheduling aspects — you can delay a fax send until a specific time , sending all your faxes for one day after 6pm , say , in order to take advantage of off peak telephone rates ( or after midnight , if you have a midnight line ) .
28 Working towards achieving the certificate will ensure that you are gaining experience in all the areas necessary to work within a specific sector of the freight industry .
29 In some cases it has not been clear from the notes to the accounts whether the directors consider that they have departed from a specific statutory rule and that the true and fair view override is being invoked .
30 Each item of such a carefully considered scheme will have been intended to stand in a specific position in Kent 's rooms .
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