Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the community " in BNC.

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1 How long would America have had to wait for the Community to pull all its members behind a common policy ?
2 After allowing for the community charge grant , which is now part of aggregate external finance , that is almost £300 million more than this year — an increase of 6.1 per cent .
3 received a thirty two point seven million pound increase from the Government compared to last years ' i revenue support grant and this does n't include the additional money given for the Community Charge .
4 They may also come to contract for the community health and care services their patients need , taking over from the social services departments or competing with them .
5 However , if it is intended for the community , the contents must reflect the concerns of the community , with comments on the wider world and put together with a certain degree of journalistic skill .
6 The Chief Rabbi himself , mistakenly regarded as the community 's official voice , is heavily influenced by this group whose view of an appropriate response to anti-Semitism and assimilation is that Jewish women should have as many babies as possible .
7 I think the erm the best way is to improve productivity by taking in more and different students and multiplying the services which we provide for the community .
8 However , ‘ fun ’ does not translate for the community relations policemen as something opposite to work : the ‘ fun ’ is taken as a serious job of work .
9 During the Second World War , three influential reports were published which were to shape the evolution of statutory planing : the Barlow Report , in 1940 , which advocated controlled industrial decentralization from the conurbations ; the Scott Report , in 1942 , which argued for a system of planning controls to protect the agricultural use of the countryside ; and the Uthwatt Report , also in 1942 , which recommended nationalization of undeveloped land to secure for the community the value added to land by the planning system .
10 The hon. Gentleman voted for the community charge .
11 Most of the brains of the organisation , or those academics who were able to pull Establishment strings and make the best of college connections , were billeted fairly comfortably near B.P. or had private transport , and were therefore able to take part in the social life that was organised for the community .
12 As community education begins to work through the community then the colleges ( or any other resource of this nature ) should recede even further .
13 In every case however , it is necessary to have a clear focal point for the activities , to work towards the communities needs , and for each community to be able , at least crudely , to have an idea of how they wish to use video when they return to the problems of their own area .
14 If an organisation like a local authority does not have clear and effective channels of internal communication , then how will it manage to communicate with the communities it serves when , through the white-collar CCT process , it speaks with many more voices than at present ?
15 It is probable , however , that imports of fur from certain species caught in such traps in non-member countries will be permitted into the community until 1995 .
16 The people who moved into the community were given the choice .
17 For example , every one of the 768 people who moved into the community is making greater demands on general practitioners than was expected .
18 Where the superannuation fund remains unconsolidated , then a fund/proprietary view is being taken : the fund is not owned by the community , therefore it is not included with the community 's accounts .
19 But there remains a commitment on the part of the police to the principle of improving police relations with the Catholic community , and they try in several ways to overcome the practical difficulties schools are presented with when they associate with the community relations police .
20 The patients have been dispersed into the community , like Jean Aitken who had been at the hospital for 12 years .
21 After the mother had gone home , Mrs Kelsall bumped into the community midwife , and asked how her client was .
22 Following six years as a broadcaster with the major networks , he left in 1988 to work with the communities in one of the most disadvantaged areas of Buenos Aires — ‘ Villa Miseria ’ .
23 The women 's organizations have not been able to work with the communities of displaced people in El Salvador , nor with refugees in Honduras or Guatemala , for fear of reprisals .
24 ‘ During their time here , the boys go once a week for two whole terms to work with the community — with the elderly or in special schools , or in our nursery .
25 Meanwhile professional advisers , both directly and through their managers , address changes that affect prescribing in primary care with regional health authorities , purchasers , and providers ; among these changes will be better information systems between secondary and primary care so that patients being discharged into the community have their medicines available and that ‘ at risk ’ patients are identified : pharmaceutical services must follow the patient .
26 The Team for the Assessment of Psychiatric Services has shown , for example , that long stay and ‘ new long stay ’ patients ( those who have been in hospital between one and five years ) generally do well when they are discharged into the community .
27 There are two sources of evidence bearing on this question : one is the psychiatric history of homeless mentally ill people , while the other is follow up studies of long term psychiatric patients discharged into the community .
28 Both relate to the social environment of the person with an established schizophrenic illness : while he is being treated for the disorder in hospital , and after he has been discharged into the community .
29 Also , much of the money for the campaign has come from the community itself , and where outside groups have provided assistance , either financially or otherwise , it has been on the terms of the YCCC rather than anyone else .
30 It is this greater openness which will be required if deaf education is to assimilate the changes occurring in the community of deaf people .
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